Monthly Newsletter | February 2019

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Monthly Newsletter | Friday, February 1, 2019

Good morning and salutations, my sunny sunflowers! I hope you've had a great and productive -- not to mention mild -- January. I cannot say that I had a mild January: two bad snowstorms, temps continually changing, and dealing with sudden sub-zero temps (it's been -25 through -30 degrees below zero the past couple days). Brr! X(

Anyway, again, like last month's newsletter, there's not much new stuff or announcements to talk about. But I'll do my best. ;-)

My first order of business is to let you guys know that I'm still busy with life stuff and working with my mom in our site so that we can earn a bit of income. It's still going to be a long while before we start working on "The Dragon Wars" -- probably in the summer, maybe. Or Autumn. It depends on what needs to get done.

My second announcement -- which many of you already know -- is that "The Hoof of Providence" won thevictoryawards' Awards contest in the "Short Story" genre, and the link of the interview is on my Profile Book two chapters before this. It just recently got posted! ^_^

My third announcement is that I'll still be posting writing prompts on my "Writing Prompts" book. Please let me know of any other types of prompts you'd like to see in the book, so that I can eventually add that on the list!

My fourth order of business is to announce that I've been spending the past few days making new covers for most of my works on here. You can look at them in the previous chapter. Tell me what you think, or give me ideas on how to make them better.

My fifth announcement is that I'll be trying to write something new -- like a poem or a lullaby or an actual story this month, hopefully. For those who are reading my poetry and lullaby books, thank you for your endless patience. 

Well, I think that's it for news updates. Thank you guys for your loyal support and for your never-ending patience. And thank you for reading this! I hope you guys have a great, blessed, warmer, and productive February. Remember: love your family every day, and do special things for them every day -- not just on a holiday. 

Love you, guys! Stay Sunny! ^_^

- Sunshine Boy


Word Count: 400 words


Date Published: 02/01/19

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