The End of Camp NaNoWriMo :'(

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Hey-o, my Sun Puppers! I hope you guys have had a great and productive April. Can you believe that April's DONE already, and that we're already 1/3 of the way done with the year? I can't! O_O

It's been storming in my neck of the woods for the past three days. Why? Well, I can only assume that it's because Nature is sensing that Camp NaNoWriMo is over and is grieving for the event being done.

Unfortunately, I've only written about almost 20k words. Not exactly the 30k word-goal that I wanted to achieve and beat from last year, but, hey, I was close. Most of it was writing judging results in contests and articles on my profile book, but it's better than nothing. 

I am planning on continuing NaNoWriMo, even though the event is done and over with, because you don't have to do NaNoWriMo on April and November only. You can do it on any month -- or any 30-day month -- that you wish! I am wanting to continue doing this so that I can motivate myself to get productive and get writing done. 

With it being May soon, I'm planning on printing a new NaNoWriMo Tracker page and get going on co-writing a book with my mom and sister. It's going to be wonderful! ^_^

So anyway, this is my update concerning Camp NaNoWriMo and the results of that. I hope you guys had a great time during this event and gotten a lot of wordage done. I'm making plans on posting May's newsletter tomorrow. Keep a look-out for that!

So what about you? Did you do Camp NaNoWriMo this April? Was it your first time or tenth time? Did you have fun? Did you get a lot of words written? How many words did you write? Did you get your first draft done? What book did you write?

I hope you guys have had a great weekend, that you are having a fantabulous day, and that you'll have a blessed and productive week. 

Stay Sunny! ^_^

- Caleb Ryan (aka Sunshine Boy)


Date Published: 04/30/19

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