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"W-What do you mean?" Mario asked. He was much confused.

"Peach isn't real," Bowser repeated. "I sent you a life-sized doll of a princess when you entered this world as a present, but you are an odd fellow and saw it as a living breathing human being. I reclaimed it to snap you out of it. Didn't you read my card?" 

Mario took a few paces back. "What card?"

"The card, with the package." 

Mario shrugged. "No."

Bowser nodded. "I figured." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. "I'd written it down so many times, I have it memorized. Take a look," he said as he handed Mario the paper.

Mario took a look at it, glanced up at Bowser, then opened up the paper.

Dear Mario,                             

u got hot legs.                       



Those words pulled at Mario's heart. He looked up at the beast, and the two of them exchanged a smile. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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