Prolouge: With the demon

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Sunlight and warmth were unknown to you. The fresh breeze was unknown to you. All you knew was him: his scent, his voice, his taste, his touch.

Your pale body lay still on the rumpled bed sheets, cut and covered in bruises, all thanks to him.

"(Name)-chan! I'm home!"

The front door closed and footsteps followed. The door to your room was unlocked, and in walked the devil. "How's my favorite little human doing today?" he made his way into the room with a smile full of saccharine. His eyes landed on your form, naked, curled up on the bed and, staring at the wall, the ceiling, the floor, anywhere but his eyes.

"(Name)-chan, don't be that way, come on, look at me," he cooed, sitting on the edge of the bed letting his fingers feather over your skin. You shivered as tears welled up in your eyes, but closed them instead. Not too long after you did, you heard a small chuckle escape his throat. You heard a small "click" and your eyes snapped open. His switchblade knife replaced his fingers on your skin, ghosting over your flesh. His tone was low and dangerous, "Look at me (name)."

You complied, dull (e/c) met with crimson.

"Good girl (name)-chan." He extended his hand to you, "Now come here".

Reluctantly, you shakily crawled over to his waiting form. He placed you in his lap and you wrapped your arms around his neck. Heat engulfed you as he embraced your fragile form. You couldn't hold it in any longer, tears escaped your eyes and stained his shirt as you sobbed on his shoulder.

"There, there, (name)-chan, I promise I'll be gentler this time," he pulled away from you and, smirked down at you, then pulled your lips into a heated kiss. When he parted, he placed his forehead to yours, "Do you love me (name)-chan?"

You looked into his eyes, and your common sense snapped in half. You brought your lips closer to his and connected them once more.

"Yes, I love you Izaya-san." And with that being said his entire being consumed you and dragged you further into the darkness you were in.

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