Meeting Elena

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I woke up in a strange bed and it took me a few minutes to realize where I was. I shook my head clear of thoughts of missing my adopted mother and father and took a long hot shower. I dressed carefully and then made my way out the door to my car. Driving to the center of the small town took me about twenty minutes. My house was on the outskirts, in a very rural place but I loved it. The closest house was mansion size, about two miles from me.

I got out of my jeep and made my way into the local grill. It seemed to be the haunt for the people of this town, very cleverly named Mystic Grill. I sat alone in a booth close to the bar and waited for the waiter to come to me.

“Hi, Can I take your-Whoa you look like someone I know.” A blonde young man said, he seemed to be no more than 18 and was attractive.

“Might that someone have the last name Gilbert?” I asked, smiling up at the shocked guy.

He nodded, “Yeah, her name is Elena. Are you two related?”

“We might be. Can you tell me where I can find her?”

“Yeah, she’s actually sitting over there.” And with that he pointed towards a small table where a brunette was sitting with a pensive looking man.

“Thank you so much…” I trailed off.

“Matt, my name is Matt.”

“Well thank you Matt. I’m Madeline.”

I got up and made my way over to the couple, looking my sister up and down.

“Excuse me?” I asked, interrupting their conversation. “Are you Elena Gilbert?”

“Yes, Why?” The brunette asked me and I smiled.

“It seems you’re my sister.”

She now seemed shocked and the man across from her also had a look of dazed confusion on his face.

“What…what do you mean?” Elena asked.

“Apparently it is quite a story, may I sit?” I asked, pointing to the chair across from her.

She nodded and I smiled softly again, almost losing my courage but after taking a deep breath, I sat down.

“My name is Madeline. When I was younger I always used to wonder why I looked so different from my family. My mother had blonde hair and my father had black. How would they have a child with brown hair? And my eyes, they are blue while they both have brown. I was so confused and I used to ask my parents endless questions about where I got my looks. They just said it was genetics, never truly answering me. Finally about two weeks ago, I was looking through my mother’s documents and I found the birth record she had gotten. It listed my parents as John Gilbert and Isobel Flemming. It said I was the first baby girl in a set of two. Apparently our parents weren’t old enough and decided they couldn’t raise children, but what I don’t understand is, how did I get adopted and you got to stay with our parents? My whole life has been a lie, everything I’ve known, everything that has been told to me by my family is some sort of false truth.”

After a couple minutes of shocked silence, Elena finally broke it, “I was adopted as well just by my birth father’s brother Grayson and his wife Miranda. I consider them to be my real parents and I always called our birth father uncle John. I was told about the adoption but also told that I shouldn’t find you because it would only cause problems for you. I didn’t want to upset your whole life.”

I nodded, allowing that to sink in. It seems my sister is a nurturing soul. “So where are our parents?”

“John is dead and Isobel is missing. I have no clue where she is. Grayson and Miranda, are dead too. They died in a car crash that I survived.” Elena started to tear up and I immediately reached out to her.

“I’m so sorry. Forget I ever said that. I just want the chance to know you and hopefully we can have the bond that got taken away from us.”

She smiled through her tears and held my hand, putting her other one on top of that. “I would love that. We also have a younger brother, Jeremy, he is Miranda and Grayson’s real son, but I consider him my actual brother and I’m sure he would love it if you did too. And this is Stefan Salvatore, my boyfriend.”

I smiled, “It’s nice to meet you. And I would love to meet Jeremey as well.”

“Where are you staying?” Stefan spoke up finally after not saying a word throughout the whole conversation Elena and I had.

“An old Victorian style home about twenty minutes from here. It’s very quant but I love it.”

“Stefan, Elena. I’m having a bit of a party at my house, you know to object to our new curfew. I would love it if we could let bygones be bygones and you would come.” A gorgeous blonde said, smiling at them and holding out a flyer. “And who might you be?”

“I’m Madeline. Elena’s sister.” I smiled, holding out my hand for her to shake.

“Rebecca.” She said, smiling an actual smile this time and shaking my hand. “I’d love it if you would come. I want to better know you.”

“I don’t know the directions to your house.” I admitted, looking at the flyer and only seeing it said Rebecca’s home.

“Well..” she started but I interrupted her.

“You could come home with me and help me pick out something to wear and I could help you decorate your house then!” I smiled happily.

“I would like that.” Rebecca said, looking at Elena and Stefan and then holding her hand out to me. “Let’s go then.”

“Looks like I just made my unofficial first friend. Bye Elena, see you later!” I said waving to them as I followed Rebecca outside and showed her to my car.

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