Fights and Dates

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Walking into the mystic Grill with Niklaus, I found that a lot of people stared at us. I knew it wasn’t for me, I was with the handsomest man in the whole town-who wouldn’t stare at him?

If I had known what Niklaus had done to Elena and the Salvatore’s then, I would’ve tried to hold off from feeling things for him. It was only the second day and I could feel myself growing more and more mesmerized by him.

***Klaus’s POV***

I knew from the way Madeline was ducking her head, she noticed that people were staring. Unbeknownst to her, the only reason people were staring was because of her. Many times I had come into this tavern and hadn’t attracted stares to the magnitude she was getting them. It wasn’t just because she was new. She was glorious. Her jeans fit her perfectly, accentuating her body and curves. Her hair flowed down her back, making you want to run your fingers through it. Her eyes drew you in, no matter how much you tried to look away. Her face was angelic, her lips full, her nose small and delicate, and she had dimples when she smiled. She didn’t need to wear make-up to attract people.

This morning when she opened the door, I nearly took her on the spot. She was only in a towel, her hair damp. The towel barely hid her curves and her tan legs went on for days. She had no idea what she did to me and I didn’t either.

In all my years, over a thousand of them to be exact, I hadn’t met anyone to draw me in the way she did. Sure, Caroline was magnificent in her own way, but she had a silent evil to her that didn’t sit well with me. I was evil incarnated and I didn’t need her to ruin herself trying to become like me. Madeline was different, she was innocent, flawless, untouched by the darkness of the world. She drew me to her like a moth to flame. I couldn’t understand it because I had only met her last night but I stayed up thinking of her all night and that nearly did me in. I was in a rage this morning, having mooned over a woman all night like a lovesick puppy. I needed to shake my head of these thoughts and find the damn cure. I could get Elena human again and get away from this town and this girl.

But if I wanted to get away so bad, why did I invite her out with me?


“Let’s sit here love.” Klaus said, and swept his hand to show me a booth in a back corner.

I smiled and sat down, allowing him to sit across from me. In all my life, well eighteen years of it, I had only been on one date and it ended horribly. I wanted to leave as soon as it had started, knowing it wasn’t going anywhere. But here, with Klaus, I wanted to stay. I felt this pull I didn’t understand and I didn’t want to fight it.

Matt, the guy I met the first day here, came up to take our order. I smiled at him as said hello and he smiled charmingly back. Matt then looked at my company and his face visibly paled. He almost looked scared of Klaus.

“I’ll have a bourbon, mate. And a steak, very rare.” Klaus said, smirking up at Matt.

“And for you Madeline?” Matt asked.

“Umm. I’ll just have the chicken salad sandwich and water please.” I answered.

“All right, that will be right out.”

“Thank you Matt.” I said, smiling again.

He nodded, “I’ll be back with your drinks.”

He walked over, relaxing as he got farther from our table.

“He almost seems scared of you.” I said, turning to look at Klaus.

“My reputation precedes me.” Klaus said, shrugging.

“So what, you’re the bad guy or something?” I asked, laughing at the absurdity of that. I couldn’t imagine him as being cruel when he seemed so nice and gentlemanly to me.

“Yes, love. I’m the big bad wolf with fangs.” He answered, looking me right in the eyes and I shivered slightly but attributed it to the air conditioner in the building.

Before I could answer, Matt came back with our drinks and set them down quickly. I went to take a sip of my water and caught Elena staring at me from across the grill. She then motioned me to come over once she noticed she caught my attention.

“I’ll be right back, okay? Elena seems to want to talk to me.” I said, looking back at Klaus.

“Of course, go ahead.” He said.

I got up and slowly made my way towards Elena. She was sitting with a man with black hair and also had a scary air around him.

“Hello Elena.” I said, determined to be nice to her. I knew she wasn’t really trying to hurt my attempts at friendship but I couldn’t help but feel a pang of anger at her actions.

“Madeline. Yesterday you make friends with an original-“ Elena started but the man beside her cut her off, quickly saying her name. “Bitch, and now you’re hanging out with the most evil man on the planet!”

“Here we go with this again. How the hell can he be so evil? He has been every inch the gentleman.”

“Because clearly you have something he wants.”

“Maybe I should inform you, but I don’t do too well with taking orders. I may seem all sweet and innocent but I have a real authority problem. Yeah you may be my sister by blood, but you don’t know me well enough to dictate me. And plus I’m older than you, so if anything I should be telling you what to do. Back off Elena, seriously. I came here to find you and I didn’t expect you to be like this.” I told her and before I went to turn around, I could have sworn I saw her face get darker and veins pop out around her eyes. The man grabbed her and I simply walked back towards Klaus, not knowing that he heard every word.

“Sorry about that,” I said as I sat down, noticing the food had just gotten there and he had a new full glass of bourbon, “She seems to not want to be friends or something.”

“It’s alright love. You didn’t strike me as the feisty type.” He said, making me laugh.

“You heard that?” I asked.

“Yeah I did, you-well-aren’t exactly subtle or quiet I gather, when you become angry.”

“I didn’t think I was being that loud.”

That conversation was drawing to an end as we began to eat our food. I noticed how hungry he seemed and how he almost licked the blood off his fingers as if it were a delicacy.

That alone should have been my first clue that everything isn’t as it seems.

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