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I slowly came awake, feeling arms around me. My whole body was sore and my throat ached. I vaguely remembered trying to save Klaus last night and someone grabbing me. I didn't understand how he and the others could move as fast as they were, but I pushed it away from my mind.

Klaus noticed I was awake and he ran his hand down my face.

"Madeline." Klaus whispered into my ear, making my shiver. "You must never try to save me from things that I am destined for. You will get yourself hurt."

"You can't be strong all of the time Niklaus. I'm apart of this too." I answered, not bothering to feel angry at what he was saying, I was still too worn out.

"I will not have you harmed, Madeline. I love you too much for that."

And after he said that, despite how terrible I still felt, we finally made love for the first time. Unsurprisingly, it was the best experience of my life and I was greatful that I had saved myself for him.

**That Evening**

Elena decided to drag me away from Klaus and spend some sister time together at the Salvatore Boarding house. I complied, only because I needed to spend more time with her and try to fix whatever relationship we had.

Currently, we were sitting on the couch in Stefan and Damon's home. We had talked about everything under the sun and while I still felt a little uncomfortable around her, it was a lot easier to look past her snobby attitude and realize that she was my sister no matter what.

After a few hours, Elena recieved a call and said she would be back in about thirty minutes. After telling her I would be fine on my own, she finally left. I got up and began to look around, running my finger along all of the books that lined the shelves. I saw a door that was partially open and curiousity got the best of me. I wandered down the stairs and stared at the sight before me. There were rooms that looked almost like cells and many different reach in refrigerators. I again wandered around, looking at all of the paintings that were collecting dust, when I came upon a door that was once again ajar.

Looking inside, I saw Rebecca on the floor. She had a stake in her chest and her hands were folded peacefully on her chest around it. But what scared me the most, was the way her face looked. She had black veins running all along it and the entire skin was a pale grey.

"Becca!" I yelled, dropping to my knees next to my friend that had been missing since I came here.

My hands fluttered around uselessly and I couldn't figure out what to do. Finally realizing I needed to call Klaus, I pulled out my cell phone and tried to punch the numbers in but my hands were too shaky. I managed to get the numbers right after a few moments and I waited to hear his voice.

"Darling, when are you coming home to me?" Klaus asked when he picked up.

"Kla-Klaus." I cried, hoping I had the strength to tell him that his sister was dead.

"What's the matter. What did those damn Salvatore's do to you? I'm coming to get you right now." Klaus voice sounded tense at the thought of my harm.

"No-nothing. It's Becca." I answered shakily.

"What's wrong with her?"

"She's in their cellar- a piece of wood through her chest. She's dead Klaus!" I yelled as the tears flowed down my cheeks.

"Darling calm down. She will be fine. I need you to do something for me. I'm on my way now but I need you to pull the wood out of her chest. She-"

"I can't!" I yelled interrupting him.

"You can, please do this for me. Rebecca will be alright. I'm going to kill those damn Salvatore's." And with that the call was over. I dropped my phone and stared at the woman in front of me.

Getting brave, I brought my shaky hand to the piece of wood and wrapped my fingers around it. I began to pull slowly and it came out with a squealchy sound. I couldn't take it anymore and ran to the corner, where I threw up.

I heard a gasp of air and when I turned around, Rebecca was sitting up and staring around wildly.

"Becca?" I asked quietly, amazed that she was sitting up.

"I'm so hungry!" She roared and the next second she was at my neck about to dive fangs into it.

"Becca! I saved you! Don't do it please!" Again, I began to cry and this make Rebecca pause.

The door upstairs blew open and I heard Stefan and Damon come into the house yelling about something. Rebecca's eyes turned black and she darted upstairs.

I ran after her, reaching her just as she grabbed Stefan's neck and twisted it. I screamed and at that moment, Klaus came through the front door and grabbed ahold of Stefan.

"Dammit, who woke up the undead bitch." Damon said sarcastically, throwing a look my way.

"What the actual fuck is going on!" I yelled, and it caused everyone's heads to turn in my direction. "Rebecca was dead on the ground downstairs with a damn stake in her chest and now she's fine. You just snapped Stefan's neck! You guys move at super speed and never seem to sleep." wait. this couldn't be real could it?

I began to back away as Damon came towards me and then I heard Klaus growl. "Don't take another step."

"Great one original is trying to kill Stefan, ones gonna get me for getting near his girl. And said girl undaggered the undead prom queen and is now figuring out what we are." Damon said and poured himself some scotch. "Now that that rundown is complete, you can come in Elena."

Elena came inside with a panicked look on her face. She began to come towards me and once again Klaus growled. "I said don't fuckin go near her!"

Klaus's face began to grow darker. Fangs erupted from his gums and his eyes grew yellow.

"Oh god." I whispered and backed up to the wall. "I think I'm going to be sick."

"Darling-" Klaus tried to talk to me, finally letting go of Rebecca and walking slowly towards me.

"No! I need someone here who is human but knows about this. I need someone here now!" I screamed and watched as Elena pulled her phone out.

"Matt. Can you come down here really quick." Elena said into the phone and I relaxed a fraction. I cannot be in this house with these monsters. "Yeah." I dropped down to the floor and held my head in my hands. "Maddie needs you." I do. I need someone else here with me. To help me understand how I could love such a monster. "Thanks Matt."

As we waited for Matt to get there, I looked up and stared at the people around me. At the monsters who had been so nice to me, but hid their true nature. Hid themselves and tried to trick me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2014 ⏰

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