The Party

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“Madeline!” Stefan yelled as he followed me out to my car, Elena on his heels.

I turned to see the couple standing only feet away from me.

“Yeah?” I asked, watching the way Elena would glare at Rebecca. “What this is about Becca isn’t it?”

The fact that Elena’s eyes didn’t shift from the glare that she gave Rebecca, gave me my answer.

“Jesus Elena, I make friends with your sister and you’re using your own anger to try to stop this?” Rebecca exclaimed and then laughed. “You are ridiculous.”

“Dude I’ve been in Mystic Falls for one night and I’ve already made one friend and your trying to ruin it. I see why I was put up for adoption. I’m way too nice to be part of your family. You only wanna make things hard for me.” I lashed out, angry that my newfound sister is already trying to hurt my chances in this town.

I swung around and climbed into my jeep, Rebecca followed me and I drove towards my home.

“You were bloody brilliant!” Rebecca exclaimed, smiling brightly. “I cannot believe you are really related to that snobby little brat.”

“Apparently I am. I can’t believe it either.”

Rebecca went on to tell me about how snobby and how selfish Elena is. How apparently she thinks everything is about her and that she stabbed Rebecca in the back.

“Well I hope that we can put your problems with Elena behind you and become friends because so far you seem pretty amazing.” I said smiling at Rebecca.

“Yes definitely! Oh you’ll have to meet my brothers! You will love them!” Rebecca exclaimed as we pulled up to my home. “I love your home, it’s so very quant.”

I laughed, “Quant? You must own a mansion!”

She nodded and we made our way to the porch. I unlocked the door and I looked back towards Rebecca, “We come on in! Don’t take forever slow poke.”

Rebecca followed me up to my room and helped me pick out an outfit, which consisted of black skinny jeans, a lacey red top, and high heeled boots. I straightened my hair and then we went over to Rebecca’s house, which really was a mansion, just like she had said. She showed me to where the decorations were and we each set out doing our own sides of the house. I put out the cups and had several dishes ready for finger snacks. I also, at the request of Rebecca, hid some very expensive looking vases and locked up her expensive liquor. The party was apparently a rebellion to an after curfew thing so she had went ahead and bought beer and a few kegs.

Everyone began to show up around nine, the party had officially started at eight and I found myself enjoying Rebecca’s company. She was everything I had been searching for in a friend: upbeat, witty, and she told me the truth about things. I hadn’t found anyone like her in California and I was glad that my arrival in mystic falls had allowed me to meet her.

Soon the house was full and I found myself getting tipsy and laughing along with a bunch of people who I had no clue what their names were. I spotted a man in the distance, talking with Rebecca and I noticed very quickly how handsome he was. He only seemed to be about 24 and that wasn’t that bad considering I was only 18. Rebecca and the man seemed to be arguing and so I decided I would make my way over and hopefully help Rebecca out and get her to have some fun.

“Becca!” I smiled at her as I leaned against her shoulder, realizing I wasn’t just tipsy but also kind of drunk.

“Eleanor?” the man asked and I stared at him.

“No,” I said shaking my head. “My name is Madeline.”

“She’s Elena’s twin. But she is much better than her!” Rebecca said laughing.

“Becca,” I pouted, “let’s do a keg stand!”

The man smiled at me and before Rebecca could answer, “I would be happy to do one with you.”

I smiled and took his hand, leading him outside to the front lawn, where the keg was.

“Alright Love, up you go.” He said and I laughed as I put my hands on the keg and he lifted me up with ease so I was straight up. I became to chug beer and then he slowly lifted me down after about two minutes. I was laughing again as I fell against him.

“That was so much fun!” I said, hiccoughing. “Your turn!”

Instead of getting any help, the man lifted himself up and began to drink. He stayed there longer than I had and I was clapping as he finally let himself drop his feet back onto the ground.

A few hours later, I was still enjoying the company of the man, whose name I still hadn’t come to know, when Rebecca walked up to me.

“Everyone is leaving Maddie. Are you staying or do you need a ride home?” Rebecca asked.

“Umm.” I shook my head not knowing what I should do. “Maybe I’ll walk home.”

“Nonsense, Niklaus will take you home.” Rebecca said.

“Who?” I asked, dumbfounded.

“Me.” The man answered next to me and then smiled as I stared at him, once again shocked at his beauty.

“Okay. Uh- bye then Becca.” I waved as I stood up and walked outside, Niklaus following me as Rebecca gave him a look.

I didn’t hear her whisper, “Don’t kill her.”

I pointed the jeep and handed Niklaus my keys. He helped me into the passenger seat and buckled my seat belt and then quickly got into the driver’s seat. He drove me home without me having to tell him any directions.

“Thank you.” I mumbled as I made my way towards my front door. “You can come in if you want.”

“I’ll remember that love, but I think it’s best if you go to sleep right now.” He answered.

“Wait Niklaus.” I turned quickly to see that he had already vanished. I shook my head, clearly I was too drunk to even realize that some time must have passed and I thought it was only seconds. I sat down on my front porch and thought about the man I had met.

He had told me many things. How he came from England, that he found me charming and that I reminded him of someone he used to know.

My last awake thought was that he reminded me of someone I wanted to know.

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