The Letter

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My name is Dove Odinson. But I go by Dove Foster. My parents are Thor Odinson and Jane Foster. My uncle Loki stops by everyday to take care of me while my parents are gone. Dads in Asgard a lot and Mum is usually at work. He is my best friend. He taught me cool Asgardian magic.

I have straight Blond hair like my Dad, and brown eyes like my Mom. I dress in dark green and black colors like my Uncle, and I also got the power of controlling the weather like storms and rain from my Father.

"Dove get up! Breakfast is ready!" Jane calls.

"Fineeee" Dove says getting up and getting dressed out of her pajamas. She got dressed into a dark green shirt with black leggings and a black leather jacket. She then put her hair in a tight pony tail and walked down stairs.

"Morning hun!"Jane said as she kissed Dove on the head

"Morning Mum, Morning Dad." Dove said as she Hugged her Mom and then went to Hug her Dad

There was a knock on the door and Dove screamed "ILL GET IT!" as she ran to the door and opened it.

"UNCLE LOKI!" She said as she hugged Loki.

"Hey Dove! How are you?" He said hugging her back.

"Im doing great! How are you?" She said with a huge smile on her face. She was always happier when Loki was around.

"Im doing just fine" He said

"Oh come in Loki!" Jane said in the kitchen

Loki came in and said "Smells good. What are you making?"

"Pancakes Brother." Thor said while polishing mjolnir

"Your welcome to have some!" Dove said enthusiastically

"I think I may have a few." Loki said while sitting at the kitchen table.

Jane passed out the pancakes to everyone. Dove had one, Loki had two, Jane had two as well, and Thor had three.

"These were delicious! Thank you Mum!" Dove said as she cleaned off her plate and put it in the dishwasher.

"These were very good Jane." Loki said as he did the same as Dove

"Alright well I am off to Asgard to help Odin for a while. I will be back in three days. Goodbye everyone." Thor said as he got up and hugged everyone goodbye. He went to the backyard and Dove watched as she saw him get sucked into the Bifrost. She loved to see all the lights that flashed as he got sucked in. Dove can only go to Asgard in the summer. She had just got back from Asgard a week ago. She loved it there. It was so amazing and pretty.

"Oh shoot I'm gonna be late for work!" Jane said as she rushed to get her coat. "Bye guys! Ill be back at six!" She said as she kissed Dove on the head and waved to Loki. She left and Dove heard the car drive away.

"What do you want to do today Dove?" Loki said as he cleaned off Thor's plate

"Can you teach me more Asgardian magic?" She said excitedly

"Sure. What else do you want to learn? Ive taught you almost everything I know." Loki said with a grin

"Hmm.. What about how to clone myself like you do?" Dove said "Im still confused about some things"

"Yes we can work on that if you like." Loki said as he grabbed the mail off the floor.

"Okay lets go outside!" Dove spoke as she went to the back door.

Loki just stared at a letter in the mail.

"Is everything okay Uncle Loki?" Dove said as she looked at Loki

"I need to call your Mother." He said as he went to the kitchen to grab the phone.

"Go outside I will be out in a minute." Loki said a bit more stern then Dove is used to.

"Okay." She said as she went outside she ran to the window next to the kitchen and listened to try and see what was wrong. She could only make out a few words from Loki.

"She got it......Yes......That letter.....She must have got it from Thor......Who will take her....Okay goodbye Jane." Thats all she could make out of a ten minute long conversation.

She ran over to the garden and sat next to it to look like she had been doing something.

"Dove I need to talk to you." Loki said as he walked outside and sat in a lawn chair

"Oh okay." She said as she sat next to him.

Loki handed her the letter and said "Read it first."

She read it and said "Whats a Hogwarts?"

"Its a school. For witches and wizards." He said grinning

"Well what do they want with me? Im no witch. You just taught me cool stuff." Dove said confused

"You are a witch Dove. You got it from Thor.. He's not a wizard but he carries genes from his Mother. Who is a witch. It must have passed on to you." He said grinning

"Are you a wizard Uncle Loki?" Dove asked Loki.

"Of some sort yes. Yes I am." He answered.

"Where would I get all these books? Ive never seen a store that sells them." She asked.

"Diagon Alley." Loki replied

"Huh? Ive never heard of that place. Is this some sort of prank?" She asked Loki. He pranks her quite a lot. He is the God of Mischief after all.

"Its not a prank Dove. In about three or four hours I am going to take you there and you can get your supplies." Loki said as he got out of the lawn chair and stood up.

"A cauldron? Fantastic beasts and where to find them? This is crazy stuff." Dove said starstruck.

"I guess so. Want to work on cloning till we leave?" Loki asked

"Sure!" Dove said as she got up and started working on cloning.

The two worked on cloning for about three hours and then Loki checked the time.

"Alright we should head to Diagon Alley. Can you show me how you are doing with the cloning?" Loki asked

Dove cloned herself into six different hologram type things. She smiled obviously proud of herself.

"Thats amazing Dove! Great job!" Loki said as they got in the other car and drove to the leaky cauldron.

Dove stayed silent the entire ride and once they got there finally she spoke. "The leaky cauldron? Why are we at this place?"

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