The Stone

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"What? W'dya know about 'hat? How do 'yas know about 'hat?" Hagrid Asked

"We've.. researched," Hermione said.

What in the name of Odins Beard are they talking about? That's all that was running through Dove's Head. Hold on.. I've heard of this before..

"Well 'ye should'n be 'doin 'hat. 'Hats against the rules here at 'ogwarts."

"Researching? Because I don't think that's against the rules-"

"No 'Mione! Research'in about 'hat stone. 'o course you can research."

Dove was confused on where she's heard of this stone before and how she knows what it is. But she knows not it's purpose.

"We are also wondering if you know anything about that large dog? The one guarding the stone?" Ron asked, with a shiver just thinking about it.

"How do ya know 'bout Fluffy?"

"It has a name?" Harry asked.

"'O course it does! It's me own dog 'o course."

"That's your dog? But.. how do you even care for it? Train it?" Hermione asked.

"Like any good owner I know what soothes me dog. Just play 'o bit of music an hes out."

"Just play a bit of music and he's asleep you mean?" Hermione questioned.

"'O course."

"Thanks Hagrid! We gotta go!"

Dove watched as they all ran through the door.

"Shouldn' Of Said 'hat. Should not have said 'hat." Dove heard Hagrid mumble.

Before she could think things through, she felt a flicker in her stomach. The spell was wearing off. She ran through the door and raced through the corridors until she met the dungeons.

She raced through until she reached the stone wall in front of her common room. She muttered the password (knotgrass), And the wall moved, revealing the common room.

Inside there was only a few Slytherins in the common room, and one of them, was Draco.

"Hey Dove. It's pretty late. I thought you were sleeping," he says.

"What's the philosophers stones purpose?"


"What's the philosophers stones purpose?" She repeated.

"The huh?"

"I heard Granger, Weaselbreath, And Potty talking about it."

"Who knows. They're all on the verge of insanity."

"Granger is the top in all of our classes!"

Draco just shrugged, "so? What does this stone matter to you anyway?"

"I'm a curious soul."

"A curious soul?"

"That's What Loki always called me."

"You know, I've been thinking over your last name and figured out its incorrect."

"Pardon me?"

"It should be Thordottior. Not Odinson. Since Thor is your father."

"Odinson has a better ring to it though!" Dove wines.

"'Odinson has a better ring to it though!' Yea boo hoo. Many people hate their last name."

Dove smacks Draco's shoulder lightly, "shut up."

Draco just smirks.

Dove runs over to the book shelf and starts looking through the books, seeing if there is anything about this stone.

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