Blur of Tears

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Hello! I'm am just really sorry for the wait I've put you all through. I'm beyond sorry. I have just been beyond busy with school. Online is very difficult for me and I've been spending the past few months getting my grades up in order to not have to redo classes. I really am beyond sorry. I feel terrible. I've been going through loads of writers block as-well. I really feel terrible. Please forgive me!

Well, let's get to the chapter, yes?


The thoughts that worked their way around Harry's head were more than confusing.

He saw the look on Malfoy's face. Most around him saw a rude prat, yet Harry saw something beyond that.

He saw a scared, lonely boy.

Of course, he'd never admit he was beginning to worry about Malfoy. Not ever.

He watched Dove storm off, probably thinking about how Malfoy was so rude to her for no reason.

That was indeed what she was thinking about.

Dove in reality was extremely worried that she has hurt the boy somehow. She knew deep down that she did nothing, yet her anxieties got the better of her.

She began to worry she pounded on the poor, scared boy for no reason.

She looked at Loki next to her, thinking about how a few minutes prior she was crying over his murderous habits.

She knew she had changed Loki for the better since her birth. She indeed to know that. But she was still worried that Loki deeply still felt discontent against her since her mother was midgardian.

Of course Loki felt no such way. He was deeply embarrassed for how he felt about his pride and joy when she was born. Loki loved her as his own child now. He would never lay a finger on her purposely.

Dove's anxieties were whirlwind in her head. They flew around her brain telling her good for nothing thoughts as she tried to push them away, tell herself they were lies.

Her brain would simply not listen. It believed every ill word thrown at it.

Loki hates her.

She disappointed her parents.

She had no friends.

Nobody even wants to be her friend.

Everyone hates her.

She should have stayed dead like Draco said.

Dove huddled closer to Loki when the last thought was pushed into her brain, to which he wrapped his arms around her holding her close to him.

Loki had a way of knowing what Dove needed at certain times. He knew when to hug her and when to give her space. She needed a big hug now.

Loki held Dove close to him as everyone walked away from the scene that gathered at the great hall, no thanks to Loki and Thor.

Dove decided to lead everyone out to the quidditch pitch, where she and Loki would talk about the ingredients they needed to gather.

She still had full intentions to make Draco happy. She knew he was in pain most of the time. Anger was his defense mechanism and she had to understand that. Getting angry at him would only worsen his condition.

Today she lost her temper, which wasn't at a high rate since she was already at a low when Draco comforted her.

The grass of the field made crisp sounds as everyone stepped on the blades, until Dove stopped walking at summoned a blanket for everyone to sit on.

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