The Sorting

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They got off and Dove leaned over to Ron and said "What house was Loki in?"

"Slytherin." Ron said "Why?"

"Curious. What are Slytherins traits?" Dove asked

"They are like the cunning house I think." Ron said

"Oh.." Dove said

As they got off the train she saw the gigantic man she saw at the leaky cauldron with Loki.

"Firs' years over 'ere!" The man said

Harry ran to the man and "Hagrid!"

Dove was scared that the man saw her with Loki. So she ran to him as well.

"Sir?" She asked

"'Ello young lady! didn' I see you at the leaky cauldron with-" He said

before Dove cut him off. "Yes that was me. Now I would appreciate it if you NEVER speak to ANYONE who was with me. Do you understand? Or else." She said with a extremely stern tone

"O course Ms.?" He said

"Foster." She said

"I won' say a word Ms. Foster." He said "Im Hagrid."

"Thanks Hagrid." She said.

Harry just stared at her.

"Oh shoot.." She said under her breath

"Harry.." Dove started to say. Then she ran away.

She got into a boat like Hagrid told her and paddled to the school.

When she got to the school Harry got next to her and said "What was that about?"

"Nothing." She replied, embarrassed

"I know it was something." Harry said pushing her to tell him.

"Well your wrong. It was nothing." She said, starting to get angry, and sure enough Harry could hear thunder outside.

"Dove-" Harry said before getting interrupted by the boy who called Dove a mudblood.

"Its true then..what their saying on the train..Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." Draco said.

Dove heard mumbling of all the students.

'So?' she thought.

Draco kept mumbling stupid things to Harry. He then insulted Ron. Saying he is lower than him.

"How is he lower than you?" Dove asked in a disgusted tone.

"Hes a blood traitor you mudblood." Draco responded

"How is he a blood traitor?" Dove asked

"He talks to mudbloods like you." Draco said with a smirk

"At least he isn't a git with hair thats bleached." Dove said with a smirk.

"Enough." said a woman with a bun as she told Draco to move.

"Now you will be sorted into your houses. The houses are Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Slytherin. Follow me to get sorted."

All the kids followed the woman and waited in front of a old hat.

"When I call your name come up here and sit on the stool." the Woman said.

She started calling up names.

"Abbot, Hannah!" The woman yelled

The girl went up and the hat yelled "HUFFLEPUFF!"

The girl walked to the table with cheering people.

The woman called up more names and Dove didn't pay attention until she heard "Granger, Hermione!"

Her friend went up nervous and sat down. It took about five minutes until the hat yelled "GRYFFINDOR!"

Hermione ran to the table and more people got called she went back to zoning out until she heard "Weasley, Ronald!" the hat went on his head and it yelled "GRYFFINDOR!"

Ron went to the table that Hermione was at.

Dove didn't even have time to zone out because she heard, "Potter, Harry!" He went up and after about three minutes the hat yelled "GRYFFINDOR"

Harry went to the table with Ron and Hermione

then Dove gets scared. 'What if the woman says Odinson and not Foster?!?!?' she thought. It was too late to tell her.

"Odinson, Dove!" the lady called

'NOOO!' Dove yelled in her mind. she walked up and had a meltdown in her mind

"Hmm.." The hat says. "I feel bravery but you are also very cunning. I feel the best place for you would be... SLYTHERIN!"

Dove was shaking because her cover was blown. The woman said Odinson. Not Foster.

A girl at the Slytherin table said "Are you related to Thor?!"

"No. I get that a lot. but its spelt different." Dove said trying to save herself

"Oh.." The girl said

Dove glanced at Harry and she knew that her cover was blown with him. He mouthed "Thor?!?!? LOKI?!??!!"

Dove shook her head and mouthed "No." But Dove knew that Harry knew. And after the sorting pulled him aside and said " I swear to the gods Harry."

"How could you keep this from me?! This is huge!" Harry said

"I made a promise with Loki. I swear if ONE person finds out I will strike you with lightning. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?! " Lighting boomed so loud the castle shook a little.

"I got it." Harry said. "Have you been to other planets?" Harry asked

"Only Asgard." Dove responded. "I need to write to Loki about this. He is gonna be so mad. I made one promise. ONE! and I already recked it."

Dove poofed a paper and pen in front of her and started writing.

"How did you do that?"Harry asked.

"Im half Asgardian duh." Dove said "My uncle is a wizard in Asgard as well. So he taught me lots of stuff."

"Thats so cool." Harry said as he watched her write

Dear Uncle Loki,

      A student has found out about you and Dad. I am so so sorry.

I hope you will forgive me. His name is Harry Potter. I told him if he tells anyone about anything I will hit him with a bolt of lightning.

I also told a man who was at the leaky cauldron who saw me with you to keep his mouth shut.

I will not allow myself to be this stupid anymore so don't worry.

Other news, I was put in Slytherin. And I miss you dearly.

Also on the train here a kid badmouthed you but I made sure that wouldn't happen again.

I hope you can forgive me for my foolishness.

   With much Love,                                                                                                                                                                            

      Dove Odinson.

Ps. I love you and miss you! <3

Pss. Make sure Dad doesn't do anything too stupid. <3

Dove then slipped out of the great hall and gave the note to her owl and sent it out. Then snuck back in and ate.

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