imagine 1 - date night disaster

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you were out with your boyfriend, roger taylor.

you wore your favourite dress tonight. a simple tight black dress that really showed off your body shape, so of course you knew that roger was going to love it.

as you were both at the bar, ordering your drinks, you saw a guy, around your age, looking at you. when the two of you make eye contact, he smirks, making you feel uncomfortable.

you take roger's hand, silently informing that random guy you have a boyfriend.

roger puts his hand around your waist making you happy, and you can't help but smile at him.

"i'm just going to the bathroom, are you okay with the drinks?" roger asks you. you look up at him and nod.

"yeah, of course." he kisses your cheek and walks away.

as you just stand there patiently waiting for your drinks, you feel somebody stand behind you. you turn to see the guy who looked at you, and instantly you got unbearable butterflies in your stomach.

"can i help you?" you ask, trying to not sound nervous but something was telling you that this guy was not good news.

"i was wondering if i could buy you a drink..?" he stands next to you.

"i've already got one. and i also have a boyfriend." you raise your eyebrows as he nods.

"yeah, i saw." he simply replies. "that doesn't mean anything."

you look at him, in disbelief.

"excuse me?"

"your boyfriend isn't here right now." he smirks.

"i think you should leave me alone." you turn your back towards him, hoping he'll leave soon.

you feel a hand on your lower back. you pray to god that it's roger, but deep down you know its unfortunately not.

"i don't know who you think you are, but you need to just leave." you say more seriously. you also push his hand away.

"oh, come on, don't be like that." he chuckles. he then places his hand on your waist. before you could push it off, roger was already back from the bathroom.

"what the fuck are you doing?" roger almost shouts pushing the guys hand away, then he pushes him by the shoulders.

"calm down, rog." you whisper to him, not wanting him to get angry in front of all these people. it's too late, obviously, his face is already red like its about to explode.

"what do you mean calm down, he had his hands all over you!" roger yells.

"i didn't know she had a boyfriend." the man laughs. "do as your girl says, calm down."

you scoff at the stranger. he 100% knew you had a boyfriend, it couldn't have been more obvious and you even told him.

"just leave it, roger, he isn't worth it." you hold his upper arm, trying to guide him away from this.

"hey, how about when you're finished with her, i could get a go? i mean, a girl like that, you gotta share." roger pushes him to the ground. this is the last thing that you wanted.

roger gets on top of the guy and punches him repeatedly. multiple people join you in trying to get him off, but it's no use, roger isn't stopping any time soon.

you start to panic as you see roger starting to get hurt. the guy punches back and a circle starts to form around them.

you start to let tears run down your face when you see the sight of blood, but you're not sure who it belongs to.

"roger, please!" you shout at him. this eventually makes him stop and look at you. you take his hand and he stands up. the other guy just lies on the floor holding his face in pain.

you take roger outside and you look at the damage that bastard did.

you can see that his eye is starting to bruise and his nose and lip is bleeding. you sigh and look down at the ground.

"i'm sorry." is all he says.

"we should just go back to your place, and sort this out." you tell him, he agrees.

the walk to roger's flat was silent and awkward. nobody spoke at all.

he opens the door and you put your bag and coat on the sofa. you then make your way to his kitchen to get tissues and water.

"sit there." you tell him, pointing to the sofa. he does as you say and you sit next to him.

you start to clean his cuts on his face and he winces in pain.

"you shouldn't have started a fight like that." you say.

"i know i shouldn't have. and i really am sorry. i just love you too much to hear someone talk like that about you." he puts a strand of hair behind your ear, looking deep into your eyes.

"i love you too. promise you won't get angry like that again?" you look up at him.

"i promise." he kisses you and you hug him tightly, glad to see him not seriously hurt.

first imagine, i know it isn't good, sorry about that.
words: 838

- c 👑

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