Chapter 15: Reedus V.S Kinney

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Chapter 15: Reedus V.S Kinney

It's been two weeks since Emily told Norman about the baby. Nervous and excited, Norman has set up a lunch date with Robert Kinney to not only get to know each other, but also ask for Robert's blessing. It's difficult for Norman to sit in this bar and wait for Robert to show, one because Emily's not here, and two, Robert is just scary to him.

But he keeps telling himself he's doing this for Emily. He loves her, wants to have the baby with her, and just simply can't think of anything more he wants in life. Sitting at the table alone for 45 minutes, after showing up early, has really got his stomach in a knot. Robert picked this place in Wayne Nebraska, because it's his hime town and Norman can do all the flying, but now Norman at least wishes he was on his own turf in L.A.

"Norman! Good to see ya." Robert walks up and Norman quickly stands to shake his hand. Both sit down and look at the menu, even though Robert knows it by heart and Norman spent the last 45 minutes staring at the Cheddar Bacon Burger picture on the second page.

"Great to see you too Mr. Kinney."

"Please, call me Robert. Emily's told me a lot of good things about you." A waitress comes over and Norman couldn't wait to have the interruption.

"Okay, ya'll decided? Robert, the usual?"

"Yes Claire. Thank you."

"And for you Mr. Reedus?"

"Could I get yer cheddar bacon burger with a side of fries?" Norman folds his menu up and Robert takes it.

"An what would ya'll like to drink today?"

"Sweet Ice Tea." Robert sits back against his booth's chair and looks from Claire to Norman.

"Raspberry lemonade."

"Comin' right up." She smiles and walks away. Norman sits straight against his chair and has his hands folded on the table in front of him.

"Lovely weather today. Don't ya think Norman?"

"Oh yes. First time in Nebraska, so it's quite lovely." Norman fiddles with his fingers and Robert looks around the dimly lit Tavernish Bar. He's been coming here for years and has always found the dim light refreshing.

"You don't say? Would've thought Emily would've brought ya here at least once."

"Well, Em usually just hangs around L.A or Georgia. Mostly New York. Never really invited me to come."

"I see. Now what brings ya all the way out here? It could possibly be to just have lunch with me on a Wednesday afternoon." Robert gives Norman a suspicious look and Norman can't do it. He can't confront Robert. Emily was right. Her dad is intimidating and old fashioned. No way in hell can he ask him to marry Emily.

"Ummm, actually I just wanted to get away from the big cities and Emily suggested coming here so... I came." Lies.

"Oh I see." Claire brings back their food and drinks and they eat in silence with the occasional conversation or joke. When they're all done Norman gets up to pay, accidentally leaving his phone on the table.

When it vibrates, Robert can see Emily calling. He ignores it, because it's not his phone and finishes his last few sips of tea, before it vibrates over and over again and this time five text comes up. Robert sneakily slides to phone to him and opens the message from Emily.


How's it going?

Did you ask him yet?

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