Chapter Nine

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Chapter NineVladimir Of Verish

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Chapter Nine
Vladimir Of Verish

That kiss had brought a new life to us both. Lucinda was very animated as we walked through the garden together. I loved the look of awe on her face every time she saw a certain flower or tree she liked. She would squeeze and tug on my hand, looking up at me with a smile softer than the moonlight glow. We sat on a bench, her head on my shoulder as we looked up into the light sky through the glass roof. "Thank you for bringing me here," she whispered.

"Anything for my queen." I took her hand and kissed it, rubbing my thumb over her tiny knuckles.

She smiled and sighed in content as she closed her eyes, the sound of a small waterfall lulling is into a daze. Within a few minutes, Lucinda's breathing evened out and I found her to be fast asleep against me. I took great care not to jostle her as I lifted her up and into my arms. I brought her close to my chest, smoothing her hair as I walked up the stairs. A part of me wondered if I shouldn't try to force the change I was about to, but another argued that I would be there for her during this change. I carried her through my bedroom and laid her on the silk of my sheets, chuckling when she cuddled closer to my pillow. I almost burst out into laughter when she threw her arm around it and subtly kissed the edge of the pillowcase.

I tossed away my clothes and undressed her as well before climbing into the sheets with her. Lucinda immediately placed her head on my chest and her left arm around my torso, trying to pull herself impossibly closer to me. I rested my arms around her, my hands falling to her lower back. This was where I wanted to be for all eternity. I couldn't tell when the run rose, but I knew that, not longer after my Mate settled in my arms, did I fall into a deep sleep.

Thankfully I woke up before Lucinda did, but I immediately dreaded the moment she would wake

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Thankfully I woke up before Lucinda did, but I immediately dreaded the moment she would wake. I didn't want to scare her in any way, but this was a step that had to be taken! We couldn't sleep in the hospital wing forever...She stirred and I braced myself for the worst. She opened her eyes and let out a blood-curling scream that broke my heart into a million pieces. I grabbed her and held to tight into me.

"It's Alright, I'm here." She clung to me, taking in my scent.

"Where are we?!"

"This is my room-our room. We'll sleep here from now on."

She looked around, shaking her head. "No, no, no! This is not my room! I want to go back! Take! Me! Back!" She shouted.

"DON'T FUCKING YELL AT ME, LUCINDA!" My roar echoed throughout the walls and she jumped back in fright, falling off of the bed and onto the hard floor. I heard a crack and panic filled me. "Lucinda!" I rushed to her side, cringing at the odd bend of her arm. She cradled it the best she could, scooting away from me as she cried. I felt wetness build in my eyes at the sight. She was afraid of me. "Lucy," I whispered, desperately. "I'm not going to hurt you." I reached my hand out to her, but she continued in her retreat, heaving. I stood and picked up my phone, noticing how she cringed at my action. I rang Ray and notified him of Lucinda's state; he was in the room not five minutes later, caring for her.

He picked her up and I growled, causing her to shriek in terror. I felt as though I had been slapped; she was truly terrified of me. "She needs to be in hospital wing, your Majesty. Changes must take time, and without any disrespect, you have made the situation that much harder to conquer." I nodded and Ray left with my shaking mate.

As the door closed, I felt rage fill my entire being. I wasn't angry at Ray, or Lucinda, I was angry with myself. I had completely disregarded the lasting effects on her mind and the process it would take to get her to trust her surroundings. Ray was right, I had made this even more difficult than it was before. I pulled at my hair and growled, gripping the banister of the bed and ripping it off. The canopy curtains tore and I threw the price across the room, smashing into the wall.

Fuck, I'm an idiot! I don't deserve her!

I grabbed the dresser and tossed it in a random direction, beating against the wall. I continued in my rage, tearing everything apart. If Lucinda didn't like this room, I'd make it completely different. I sat on the floor and sighed; I was doing everything all wrong!

There was a knock at the door, followed by it opening. "Shit, brother."

"What is it, Violet?"

"I saw Ray with Lucinda...she was shaking like a leaf."

I sigh and rub my hands across my face. "I wanted her recovery to go faster, so I took things into my own hands...I fear I have just lengthened her recovery process."

Violet sits next to me, putting her head on my shoulder like she did when we were younger. "She will calm down and understand why you acted as you did."

"You didn't see her through my eyes, Violet. She was terrified of me."

"And rightly so. What you did was wrong, yes, but you had pure intentions. She'll see that."

"Why, because she's Succubi?"

"Because she's your mate, Vladimir! Don't discount that."

I didn't reply to that; I knew she needed to be without me for a while. I stood and looked at my sister, who was still on the floor. "I need to get back to work. Notify Nadia that she's getting her wish, but tell her not to make it too feminine, yes?"

She stood. "Of course, My King."

I sighed. "Don't start that."

I walked out and towards my office, ready to face the work that had no doubt piled up. It was going to be a long day...

 It was going to be a long day

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Thanks for reading!


When are we going to know more about Helena and Violet?

Patience is a virtue

Did Vladimir mess up THAT bad?

Lucinda was scarred more than Vlad knows, so change is difficult for her. In other words, yes, he did.

When are we going to see some action?

Very soon!

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