Chapter Four

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Y/n's POV

I laughed at our texts to eachother, I really have some of the best friends. Then I heard the door open, "Sweetie, I'm home" you got out of bed and went down the stairs "Hey mom" she put her things down "I'm going to start dinner, okay". "okay, call me down when it's done" you went upstairs to your room and just went on your phone until, "Y/n! dinners ready!" you put the phone down and went to the table. "How was your day sweetie?" your mom asked "Eh it was okay, I got a new student in class" i said as i took a bite out of my food.

"Ooh, girl or boy?" "It's a boy" you answered then noticed your mom looking at you, "Is something wrong?" your mom sighs "Is he handsome?" "Well I mean I guess" you shrugged, "Could we not talk about it" you asked "Sure honey, whatever you want" you kept talking and finished your food. "Goodnight mom I'm going to bed now" "Ok sweetie goodnight". You walked up to your room and took a shower before going to bed.



ugh, there goes your stupid alarm again. "aAahHh" you screamed and tried getting off the bed, but ended up falling off instead. You groaned, "Today is starting off great" you sarcastically mutter to yourself.

You get up and change into some shorts and a plain white shirt, with white converse. You picked up your backpack and phone going down the stairs. "Goodmorning mom" you said tiredly, "Goodmorning honey, also did you drop something up there, I heard a loud thud" "Oh no that was me" you said lazily dragging your feet to the table waiting for your mom to be done with breakfast, "Oh oka- wait what" your mom said, "Oh nothing" you said.

You finished breakfast and started to walk to school, this time no headphones or phone at all, just walking. Then you saw Taehyung, but he was pretty far so you didn't bother to call him. Once you got to school and started walking you heard quick feet behind you then someone attacked you from behind (thats so dramatic but ok)

You thought it was probably Minhee but turns out it was Jackson. "Well goodmorning to you too" you said groaning a bit because all his weight was leaning on you, "Oh well thank you Y/n" you looked at him waiting for a 'goodmorning' he didn't get it for a few seconds until, "Oh! uhmm goodmorning Y/n" you smiled "Thats what I thought"

You parted ways with Jackson and entered your classroom to see Minhee sitting at her desk reading. She didn't see you walk in and she was a big scaredy cat so you decided to scare her. You walked behind her queitly then "BOO!" "AHH!" you started laughing hysterically, while she was holding her chest, "I almost... got a heart... attack" she said inbetween breaths. You just kept laughing. "I'm so sorry I love you but, oh my god that was so funny" you said while laughing.

"You suck" Minhee said while glaring, "I said I'm sorry" you said "Pleassee forgivve mee~" you said, she just sat then finally broke "Fine" "Yay~" you said "but just this once" she said sternly "Oh yes of course". Sadly the bell then rang, "Uughh" you started to drag your feet to your seat and put your head down then heard someone sit next to you. It startled you because you forgot someone now sits there.

"Oh hi" you said, he just nodded. Then the teacher started the lesson, you took notes then finally class ended and you couldn't be happier, you went to Minhee's desk to go to lunch and it didn't take her long to get up this time. We walked to the cafeteria along with Jackson and when we were all seated at the table I saw the new boy, alone again. I wonder if I should ask for him to sit with us?

should I?
does he think we're weird?
would he rather not?

should I? does he think we're weird?would he rather not?

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Hey whatss upp, ok this chapter was...idek honestly. I know it may be bad so i'm really sorry. <3

The New Boy // Taehyung FF // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now