Chapter Seventeen

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Y/n's POV

RiNg! rInGg!! RING!!

You got up and today you just felt empty. You didn't even care about going to school. It's been a few days since the fighting incident. You went downstairs without your mom being there, again. You've basically been dieting because of skipping breakfast and barely eating at lunch. You left the house and got to school, seeing Taehyung already in the classroom talking to Minhee.

"Hey whats uP" you said and sat down "Y/n you still use a nightlight?" Taehyung asked laughin, you widened your eyes then looked at Minhee who was also laughing "I-Its not a nightlight" you stuttered "They are aesthetic colorful lights" you looked down, then he suddenly pinched your cheek "Aww its ok, a lot of people are afraid of the dark," then he patted your head.

Then the bell rang, you stared off into space because you don't feel like concentrating. Then the lunch bell rang! YAY!  Taehyung fell asleep so you had to wake him up, you told Minhee to just go without us, you were excited because every once in a while Minhee would bring extra food and so would Jackson and you guys would go out to the field even though you guys weren't technically suppose to but you were ReBeLs. Just kidding you just wouldn't get in trouble.

"Get up! Get up! Get up!" you kept shaking him, but he wouldn't budge all he did was give soft groans so you decided to take handle of the situation, you bent down to his ear and shouted pretty loud "Taehyung get up!" and he fell off the chair "Oow" he whined "Whoops sorry but we have to go" you snatched his notebook from his desk so he could put it in his backpack later because you can't waste time, you grabbed his hand and started to run. You guys got outside now, and saw Minhee and Jackson already in the middle of the field.

You guys were running in a field, hand in hand just like Taehyungs thought that night you guys almost got arrested. You guys finally got to Minhee and Jackson, "Finally you love birds are here" Minhee said you rolled your eyes and looked at Taehyung who was slightly pink "Oh shut up" you told him. They forgot to bring extra extra food for Taehyung because it wasn't usual to bring more food, so you decided to just share with him.

You guys finished lunch pretty quick especially since there wasn't even that much food so you finished pretty quick, "Guys.." Jackson started "I brought bubbles" me and Minhees eyes widened "Give them" I stuck my hand out. Not too long we were all running around the field blowing bubbles. Then the saddest thing happened, Joowon crashed the party. "Look at that, Ms. Jawbreaker isn't always so tough" you rolled your eyes "Can't I be human and have more than one emotion?"

You asked "Of course but your enemies might think less of you" he stated while walking in circles around you, eyeing you up and down. "So I have pretty high standards as your enemy?" you said and he scoffed "You always have ways to turn my words around Y/n" he crossed his arms "I was having such a nice time with my friends until you had to ruin it" you mocked him by crossing your arms and standing the way he was.

"Friends? Are they all your friends? because you seem to really care about that one over there, maybe a little too much" he pointed at Taehyung and walked closer to you and you scoffed "What do you mean 'mAyBe A lItTlE tOo MuCh' " you mocked his voice. "Don't think I didn't see you all worried about him the day I beat him up," you squinted not understanding "Who wouldn't be worried for their friend that just got beat up?!"

"You guys seem so close, sure your nothing more than friends?" he asked slightly raising an eyebrow "You're seriously so annoying" you pushed past him and told your friends the bell was gonna ring soon anyway, you were really about to burst and kick him where the sun don't shine. "Oh did I win this arguement?" he said "Win? I'm not walking away because I don't have anything else to say, im walking away because I don't want to get suspended again" you started to walk but the others were behind you, due to you walking fast.

"Oh Ms. Jawbreaker is getting fiesty" you said as he walked beside you, "Seriously leave me alone" you pushed his face away "Ooh now shes getting physical" he licked his lips, "Ugh" you walked even faster inside the building and got to your classroom. Then the bell rang once you stepped in.

Im so glad I didn't stay any longer, I was really about to punch him.

Im so glad I didn't stay any longer, I was really about to punch him

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An even LONGGERR chapter.


The New Boy // Taehyung FF // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now