Chapter Twenty Seven

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Y/n's POV


Main hoes!

omg hey bitches

we knew it

tf you mean?

we know your dating Taehyung


the way your talking is different

im not even talking im fucking typing

oh and Taehyung told us

that stupid ho

did you forget im in this chat too?

not for long

JWBOY has kicked TaeTae out of chat


how was your day


well fuck you too

how did you know?!

bitch i was just joking


MinMin has kicked (username) out of chat

i mean i guess



All you did was sigh. No screaming, for once. You wanted to get out of the house so you could get this day over with. After getting ready and going downstairs your mom made breakfast. "Goodmorning" your mom said "Goodmorning' you blankly said. She put food on a plate for you, you finished pretty fast then started walking. You got to class and once you got in everyone looked at you. To be honest you looked like a sack of potatoes. Hair flown infront of your face and messy in other areas, wrinkled clothes, and you just overall looked homeless.

You usually came to school looking pretty bad so you didn't know or care why kids were suddenly staring at you. "Why is everyone staring?" you asked Taehyung as you sat down next to him "I told them" he said "Told them what?" you asked "That we're dating" he said and you almost fell off your chair, "What?" you asked "I...TOLD...THEM" he said slower and emphasizing every word. "Ugh shut up" you said. Then the bell rang, great.

The teacher started the lesson and blah blah blah and oh look at that the lunch bell rang. You got up and waited for Taehyung. Finally he got up and you started to walk "Hey" he said and you turned around to see a pout on his face "Whats with the pout?" you asked "Aren't couples suppose to hold hands and stuff" he said still pouting "How should I know?" you said and started to walk away again. Not too long before you heard him whining again.

You just ignored him. Today was one of those days when your just not taking any of it. "Ok fine" you put your hand out for him to grab, he instantly latched on. You guys walked to the cafeteria and got a lot of stares. "Ugh I hate the looks" you said "Me too"  You guys got to the cafeteria and you didn't bother getting food because you just hated this food no matter what it was.

Taehyung, Minhee, and Jackson were talking non-sense when "Y/n~" there was a hand waving in your face, you smacked it away "We've been calling you" Minhee said "Oh sorry, I went to bed late so I'm very el tired" you said. They kept talking, about god knows what then the bell rang. Great class again yipee.

~magical time skip to end of day~

You were going outside to walk home and saw Taehyung waiting for you. You thought you've beebn a bit, well not mean but just not yourself. So I guess I'll try to act normal again. "Wazzup" you said walking next to him "Woah wheres the Y/n that was half asleep during class and not talking" he sarcastcially asked "Haha very funny" you rolled your eyes "I mean I could go back to that Y/n" "No No, I like this one better because she's happier and I don't like it when my Y/n looks sad"

"Ooh that was so cheesy, oh goodness" you said "Oh shut up" he replied. You guys talked until it was your turn. "Byyee" you said "Bye, sweetie" he emphasized 'sweetie' and you just rolled your eyes and walked away.

What did I do to get blessed with this precious boy, that is my boyfriend?





Oof I'm zooming past these chapters. Thats mainly because sometimes i stay up until 3 am just writing, like im doing right now. And i have to wake up early tomorrow. Anyways Thank yoy for reading <3

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