Chapter 13 ~ The Fake Lisa

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Bella's P.O.V.

What the fuck did Jessica just say.

"WHAT YOU HAD SEX WITH YOUR TEACHER." I yelled and Jessica quickly cover up my mouth with her hand.

"Bella shut up."

"I can't believe you did it." I said

"Look I didn't mean it. I thought it was Luke. It turn out to be Mr. Jackson."

Wow what the hell?

"That's so weird dude guess what happen to me at the party when you left me." I said



I was looking for Luke so I can tell him I'm leaving but I couldn't find him anywhere plus I need to go to the bathroom real bad.

"Hey do you know where's the bathroom?" I asked a random stranger

"Um upstairs."


I went upstairs and there was lots of rooms. Shit which room is the bathroom? I decided to go to the first room.

I open the door and my mouth went down. I saw Miss. Presley and Luke having sex. I quickly closed my eyes and left.

How awkward. Eww.

**end of flashback*

"WHAT THE HELL?" Jessica yelled


"I can't believe that whore had sex with Luke. Oh my god." She said all mad.

"But didn't you say you had sex with Mr. Jackson?"

"Yes but we didn't know it was each other. That's different. Lisa and Luke did. Totally different." She said and she was right. When they were having it they didn't have there mask on.

"God I'm so mad." She said

"Why? It's not like you have feelings for Luke anyways."

"Not that."

"Then what?"

"I'm mad cause Mr. Jackson doesn't deserve that. He deserves better than a lying whore." She said

"C'mon let's go home. My mom doesn't know I left." I said and she nodded

*Next day*

When we got to school Jessica looked nervous and scared. I felt bad.

"Jessica are you okay?" I asked and she nodded.

"Look why don't you tell Michael about Lisa?" I said and her eyes widen

"What are you crazy if I tell him he would never believe me and then it's going to be extremely awkward"


"Just shut up Bella your making me more nervous then I am."


"Look I'm sorry I'm acting like a bitch right?"

"No offense but yes"

"Look, I'll tell Mr. Jackson when I feel like I'm ready you know I get extremely shy and red when I need to say something to someone"

"Tell me what?"

Jessica and I turn around and there was Mr. Jackson standing


So this chapter is done yay. Anyways I have school tomorrow ugh. Comment and vote (: thanks

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