Chapter 34 ~ The Letter

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I heard someone yell downstairs. I got out of my bed and went downstairs running. It was my mom. She's back already?

I was standing on the stairs and she was at the door talking to someone.

"Mom who is it?" I asked

"JESSICA ITS MICHAEL JACKSON." She yelled and my eyes widen. What is he doing here.

I quickly went running upstairs oh my god this is embarrassing. I was at the hallway trying to hear what she's saying to him.

"What's with all the yelling." Taylor said and I jumped

"Taylor you scared me." I said

"What's going on? Is your mom home?"

"Yes. She's downstairs."

"Great. I need to talk to her." She said and began to walk but I grabbed her arm.


"Cause I need to. What's going on with you? Your acting weird." She said and then left. Shit.

I quickly went running downstairs. Ugh! This can't be happening. I saw my mom standing at the door still. Why is she still talking to him.? I need to get a excuse to make him leave. My mom is probably bothering him.

I grabbed my mom.

"JESSICA WHAT ARE YOU DOING.?" She said and Michael was staring at me.

"Um mom. Um I don't feel good." I saw Michael getting worried but I gave him wink.

"Um I better leave then. Nice knowing you." Michael said and left.

"Never mind mom I feel good now." I said and ran upstairs.


Michael's P.O.V.

Man that was embarrassing. I didn't know Jessica's mom was there and that she's a big fan. She was screaming and yelling like a fangirl.

I grabbed my phone and began to call Jessica to make sure she's alright.

J: hello?

Me: Jessica I'm sorry about what just happen. I feel embarrassed

J: well that makes two of us. Michael why did you come?

Me: I don't know. I had a bad feeling that something was gonna happen and I just wanted to see that your alright

J: oh well I am. Thanks for checking up on me.

Me: your welcome. Well I'm going to let you sleep. I'll see you tomorrow at school. Goodnight beautiful.

J: goodnight Michael.

**Next Day**

Jessica's P.O.V.

When I got to school I went to my locker to put away my backpack. But something caught me eye.

There's was a envelope on my locker. I got it and started to open it.

It had a letter and some pictures.

The pictures was Me & Michael kissing.

I read the letter and it said

"Jessica, I know your secret and if you don't want these pictures to be online then you better do as I say. Not only will these pictures be online. I will tell your mother about

your dirty lie. You will get a text about what you need to do later in the afternoon. If you don't follow the instructions then well you know what's going to happen."

I shut my locker and put the letter and the pictures in my locker. I can't let no one see these pictures. I will destroy Michael's image. Especially now that I'm pregnant.

I need to tell Michael. Maybe he can do something about it.


When I got to class Michael looked so happy and so sexy. Like always. I sat down and started to think about my future. I wonder how will my baby look like. Will it be a girl or a boy? What will I named it? Those kind of thoughts made me happy. But then I began to remember the letter. Ugh! I looked at the time and it was 7:55 am almost 8. The person who send me that letter will text me in the afternoon. I don't want it to be the afternoon.

"Hey Jessica are you okay?" Bella whispered to me and I nodded.


When first hour was over I waited for everyone to leave so I can talk to Michael about this.

"Hey beautiful" Michael said

"Hey." I said and got closer to him.

"What's wrong you were seem so distracted today."

"Michael someone knows about us."

"What do you mean?"

"Michael this morning I got a letter and pictures of us kissing."

"Where's the letter and the pictures?"

"In my locker."

"Get them."


When I got them I gave it to him. He looked so mad.

"What are we going to do?"

"I don't know."


Who do you guys think that send Jessica that letter? Comment below. 💗

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