Chapter 27 ~ She's Pregnant Too?

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Jessica's P.O.V.

When I got home Taylor was in the kitchen talking to my mom.

"Um hi." I said

"Jessica are you okay? You look sick." My mom said

"Mom, I'm not sick just tired. What's going on here?"

"Well, Jessica. Should we tell her?" Taylor nodded and my mom began to talk again

"Jessica I'm getting married." she said.


"Married? Married? Don't get me wrong I like the dude but married that soon?" I said to Bella

"Jessica calm down. It's bad for the baby." She said and I sat down on the bed.

"I know but marriage. Is she serious?"

"C'mon Jessica. You mom finally found happiness."

She had a point. She was always in a good mood.

"Your right." I said

"Okay anyways we got a bigger problem here." Bella said pointing to my stomach

"Does it show?"

"Kinda. When you wear tight shirts."

"Ugh! Bella I'm scare to tell my mom. What if she kicks me out?"

"Then you can stay at my place. Don't worry Jessica."

I smiled. Wow I'm so lucky to have her as a friend.

"Your phone it ringing." Bella said

I got up and picked up my phone. It was Michael.

"Michael isn't it?" Bella said


"Answer it you guys need to make up or break up."

I decided to answer it.


M: Jessica can we talk?

Me: why?

M: we need to talk about things

Me: fine where?

M: can Come to your house?

Me: yes, but hurry. My mom is working and my soon to be sister is out with her friends.

He hung up.


I was waiting for Michael in the living room and he was taking forever to come. Why does he want to talk at my house?

The door bell ringed it must be him. I open the door and there he was. He looked sad.

"Jessica I'm not going to take that long to talk cause I don't want us to get caught." He said


"Jessica I'm sorry but I'm breaking up with you." He said.

I wanted to cry. I feel my heart getting broken into pieces.

"Okay that's fine I wasn't even that into you anyways."

"Jessica but I like you very much. The only reason I'm breaking up with you is cause um Lisa is pregnant."

She's pregnant TOO!?!

No she can't be!

"She's pregnant?" Michael nodded. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I couldn't cry infront of Michael.

"Yes I'm sorry." He looked at me and began to get closer. He was trying to kiss me but I moved.


"I'm sorry Jessica." He said and left.


I went to my room and started crying. This is the worst thing that ever happen to me.

I looked down at my stomach.

"Don't worry. I'm going to take care of you all by myself." I said


Awh sad chapter :( vote and comment

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