Chapter 60 ~ I Forgive You But...

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Michael's P.O.V.

I got out of my car and ran. I took both of their's bottles. Taylor quickly stood up.

"Hey dumbass give me that bottle back." She yelled. I didn't listen to her.

"Who do you think you are? Why did you take them away?" Jessica yelled

"You guys are so drunk how many bottles did you guys drink?"

"4 or 5 each." Taylor said laughing.

"WHAT!" I yelled

I can't believe they drinked 5 bottles. This is going to be so bad for them in the morning.

"Now give me the bottle back." Jessica tried to grabbed it but instead I threw the bottles on the ground.


"Who the fuck are you?" Jessica said.

"Michael. I'm Michael."

"Michael who?"

"Michael Jackson!"

Suddenly they both started laughing so hard.

"Your not Michael Jackson." Taylor said.

Okay. Their really drunk.

"Yes I am."

"No your not. Your fake." Jessica said and then sat down on the ground.

"OH MY GOD TAYLOR LOOK AT THE GUY OVER THERE HE'S HOT." Jessica yelled. I turn around and it wasn't a guy. It was girl.

"Jessica that's a girl." I said and she started laughing.

"Opps I'm guessing I'm lesbian. OH MY GOD TAYLOR IM LESBIAN." She yelled.

Taylor didn't answer, instead she was on the ground sleeping. Yup she's knocked down.

"Taylor wake up.." Jessica began to slap her face but she didn't wake up. She was sleeping already.

I need to get her inside. It's getting cold.

I grabbed Taylor and carried her.

"HEY LEAVE HER DOWN THERE." Jessica yelled

"No I'm going to take her inside. It's getting cold." I said



After I left Taylor inside the house. I put her on the couch. I didn't know where she sleeps so I decided to just leave her there. I put the blanket on her too.

I went outside and saw Jessica sleeping on the ground. She was shivering. I grabbed her and ran to the car. Poor her.

I open the car and lay her down on the car seat. I put the seatbelt on her just in case.


When we got home I went up to my room and layed her on the bed. Hopefully in the morning she doesn't freak out.


Jessica's P.O.V.

I woke up with a massive headache. I sat up and notice I wasn't at my room. I was in Michael's room. I quickly stood up and that's when my headache got more worst.

"Ow." I said to myself.

I layed down on the bed again. What happen last night?

The door open and it was Michael with a glass of water and something in his hand.

"Here, drink this. It'll help with the hangover you have." He said but I didn't take the pill or the water. I just turn my body to the other way so I didn't face him.

"I know you hate my guts but please take this. It will help." He said but I didn't take it. I just ignore him.

I can't even look at him. He fucking cheated on me with my best friend.

"Please take this." He said. I turn around and took the pill from his hand and the glass of water. When I finish drinking it, I turn my body around again.

"Look Jessica can we talk please.?"

"No. I don't want to talk to you." I said

"Please. I want to explain things."

I turn around

"Explain what? You fucking kissed my best friend. You fucking cheated on me. I hate you so much." I yelled. Suddenly I heard crying. Shit I woke Annabelle up.

"I'll go get her." Michael said

"No I will." I said. I stood up and then landed on the floor. My body is so weak.

"I don't think you have the perfect condition to carry Annabelle right now." He said and left.

"Yup I'll just stay here on the floor." I yelled.


I got up from the floor after 30 minutes passed by. I was still weak but not that much as I was before. Michael was taking forever to come back with Annabelle.

The door open and it was Michael.

"Where's Annabelle?" I asked

"Sleeping. I gave her a bath and she fell asleep." He said and I nodded.

"Now can we talk?" He asked

Should I? Or not?

"You got 5 minutes."

"Thank you."

"Tic tok tic tok."

"Look Jessica I didn't kiss Bella. She kissed me. I was in shock when she kissed me. I didn't even know she had feelings for me. Please believe me Jess. I love you. I'm not cheating on you with her because I love you."

I didn't say anything. I was just thinking. Should I forgive him?

"Fine I forgive you." After I said that he came running and began to hug me.

"Michael wait you didn't let me finish."

"Okay what?"

"I forgive you but I don't want to get back together with you."


Vote or comment. I got kicked out of the homecoming assembly today 😭😂

Ig; michaeljackson_fp

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