Chapter 54 ~ Where's Bella?

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*3 Weeks Later**

My mom finally understand about my relationship with Michael and accepted it. I was so happy.

I was getting Annabelle ready so I can bring her to my mom. She was going to take care of her while me & Michael are at school.

"Ready?" Michael asked.

"Yes." I said and hand him Annabelle.

Michael started kissing her all over the place. I swear Annabelle is going to be daddy's little girl.

"Cmon Michael lets go we're going to be late and we still need to drop Annabelle." I said and he nodded.


When we dropped Annabelle off, we got to the school. It was practically the first day of school for me. I missed my classes and of course Bella. I haven't even gotten to see her since the day she got sick.

I enter the building first so people won't suspect.

When I enter the building I notice there was lots of kids that I never saw. What the hell?

I went to open my locker and I notice a guy with brown hair looking at me. It felt awkward.

I grabbed my books and shut my locker and went the my first hour. Thank god my semester schedule didn't change. I still had Michael for 2 hours.

"Oh my god Jessica." I turn around and it was Taylor.

"Hey Taylor. How you been?" I asked

"I'm great. I can see you gave birth already." She said and I nodded

"Yes, her name is Annabelle." I said

"Aw I really want to see her."

"Well my mom is taking care of her right now." I said

"Cool hopefully I get to see her later." She said and I nodded. I really didn't pay that much attention at her. I was looking for Bella.

"Have you seen Bella?" I asked

"No, she doesn't go to this school anymore."

After she said that my eyes widen. What! What! Why?

"Why?" I yelled

"I don't know, she doesn't like me even though I apologize to her." She said.

Ugh great! I'm all alone. Why doesn't she go to school.?


I went into Michael's classroom and thank god no one was there.

"Hey beautiful." He said

"Michael how come you didn't tell me that Bella doesn't go to this school anymore?"

"Who told you?"


"Look I need to tell you something I been hiding."


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