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Eli's pov:

School is a bother but at least from now on Quinn and others I know will come and attend too.

I usually only talked to Chloe, as said before a small group of vampire and wolf kid were sent out of 'The Reserve' to go to school between humans but this time the group broke apart because they didn't like the idea of me liking girls which I find stupid! their alphas are both girls for fucks sake but of course only I am the problem here right? Stop lying and say it is because I am a hybrid assholes.... At least Chloe stuck to my side through it all.

I was happily chatting with Anna and Mike who had joined us with Carly coming up a bit later, I could feel the glares of the others, human and the old group alike but I ignored them, Chloe and I were outcast but honestly we were actually happy about that because they wouldn't bother us that way, the glares were worst then normal since all these beautiful and elegant new students were speaking with us but I say again, don't care at all.

Jeffy, Nico, Mars and Quinn were nowhere in sight which was a bummer, I did see Max and Alexis but they mostly stuck to themselves and their family when they came over and girl same, I hate all in this school, so boring.

"Hey, watch this." I whispered and pointed at one of those cheerleaders that thought the stereotypes should be made real life, she was walking all 'look at me I'm so sexy' in front of the school's soccer team, I use my gift the stick her shoelace under her other foot and she did a not so graceful fall on her face, the make up sticking to the white tiles on the ground.

Mike and Anna started laughing and were soon joined by us.

I passed my hand in my hair resting in front and adjusted the hood over my head, I guess school will be much more interesting then before with my family here, well technically they aren't but since they raised me they are if you understand me.

"Be careful humans are not to know about the supernatural Elizabeth." A shiver ran down my back when 'she' said my full name, Chloe nudged me in the ribs before I shoved her and nervously looked around.

Quinn's seemingly always narrow eyes were staring at me as she passed a hand in her short hair and brushed it to the side, I was more concentrated on how she looked then what she said, simple black sport shoes but that slim low waisted black pants and that white T-shirt that was sown in a way to show off her flat stomach made me stare a looooong while before looking upwards when I felt a cold finger under my chin, tilting up my head.

"Eyes up here." She whispered before pulling her hand away and tapping my nose.

"S-sorry!" I squeaked out which made her have that secret smile of hers on her face.

"Walk with me." She said as she stuffed her hands in her pockets and continued walking, I looked at everyone before jogging to catch up with her and walking next to her.

I felt so nervous this close to her, my mind separated in two, one part wanting to hold her hand, run my hand through her hair, kiss her, hug her....... The other part..... Euh..... The other part wanting to push her against a wall and taking her then and there...... Yeah embarrass me even more will you brain?

The silence between us didn't help with the nervousness I felt, only made it worst.

"You first." She held the door to the school's rooftop open and I did as told, quite stiffly might I add.

I sighed softly as I leaned against the railing to look down at all the other kids, letting the wind blow my hair around, I don't get why the staff lets us be up on here, it could be dangerous.

"You shouldn't be with me." I whipped around and my cheeks flushed red as she was standing just behind me.

"W-wha--" "I know what this is Elizabeth." She said, staring down at her hand before closing it in a fist and looking back at me with a slight glare in her eyes but not on her face. "I know what we are supposed to be but it won't happen, you shouldn't be with me."

Well if that's not a punch to the stomach I don't know what it is.

"What?! No! I wanna be with you!" I said with a scared and hurt look probably present on my face, I can't lose her.

"Elizabeth I am yours but you aren't mine." Well thanks for hurting me even more!!

"What are you talking about?!"

"I mean I already had a mate and it wasn't you."

It hurt, it hurt so much...... But....

"Why are you smiling?" She seemed confused as I smiled through the tears that let themselves free without my consent.

"We all know if someone is mated they can't be chosen as another's mate." She frowned, knowing I was right. "You were mateless when you were chosen as mine."

"I don't want to hurt you Elizabeth so give up on me, there is a lot that you don't know about the world, about the pack, about my family, about me, about my past."

"Then tell me, I will listen."

"There is nothing to tell, give up on me." She turned away but I grabbed her wrist.

"Quinn I waited years! I've loved you for years! For as long as I remember it has been love.... So if you think you can scare me away from you you are wrong, I made a promise to myself, to make you smile truly again...... I will never lie, it's my pride to never ever say a lie, no lie will ever come out of my mouth, I promised myself I will help you so that I will do...... I loved you for so long so don't think I will change now, that means I'd have said a lie."

Quinn's pov:


She has no idea how her words hurt, no idea at all, despite not needing to breath I felt like my breath was stolen away and I was suffocating slowly underwater.

'She isn't me Quinn, she might speak like I do but it was a curse for me while she is determined, determined to remain true to whatever she says as she promised herself she'd be truthful, there is no correlation between her and me but I do know neither of us would and will not give up, don't push her away Quinn, let her break the walls you built around your heart, let her make you forget about the pain my death brought, let her make you happy.'

I pulled my hand away and just stared at Eli with my face in it's usual neutral expression which made me have a resting bitch face like mom had unless she smiled, I didn't know what to say or do, her words echoing through my mind louder and louder as if speakers were blaring all around me, it made my head spin.

I couldn't speak since my throat felt like it was squeezed by the dead monster of a father I had, I wouldn't be surprised it my neck bones would break on their own simply from the pressure the words have in my head.

My body felt like lead, I couldn't lift a finger as if gravity got ten times worst.

"I'll only speak the truth Quinn, I pride myself on never lying you know it, I will never give up." I heard her voice and felt her wrap her arms around in a hug, burying her head in my neck but all felt so distant, my mind spinning away from my body, my head filled with static, my mental crumpling.

Why oh why do you say that?

Why are you like this?

Why Elizabeth?

Why did you?






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