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Eli's pov:

For a start Mars, Mike and Carly disappeared inside one of the big stores we passed by and we collectively decided they were a lost cause to find, surprisingly all of them being shopping freaks but luckily leaving me with Anna, Quinn and Chloe, great.

"You will burn holes in my chest if you continue staring." Quinn said while tilting my head up, I just shrugged this time with no redness in my face since she didn't put a little flirt in her words this time.

"I already told you I would stare."

"Yeah but that doesn't mean I will let you." I smiled at her, this time her face didn't have a secret smile but her tone was laughing if I can say that?

"Guys I'm hungry and there is a Starbucks so amma get stuff!"

"Chloe don't run off!..... And she is gone." I sighed.

"I agree for once, I'll get your usual Anna plus I'll make sure she doesn't fuck up shit." I almost protested at Quinn following Chloe but remembered the look I saw on Anna and that I wanted to ask her about something and cursed silently while letting her go.

"Well we just got left behind." Anna said with her hands on her waist and shook her head, skipping to the nearest bench and sitting down, I followed after a few seconds.

"I always wondered how your mother is over 5000 years old and just found her mate a century ago while Quinn met hers at twenty one." I said, not instantly bringing the conversation to Anna's situation.

"Ah I guess she told you about Bea? About time!" I nodded. "Well she just got seriously lucky, mom told us from the time she comes from it was rare to live long enough to find a mate because of some stuff she isn't willing to share, saying some things must remain in the past but what she said is that usually they got killed before that so they just got with the person they liked on the moment, mom didn't because our father murdered the one she loved back then, then she found another and did have a child with him but the baby died because of our species high death rate and that man died too and then came my ma which was finally her true mate."

"So it like just depends of fate? Like for us? We all get them at eighteen because that is adulthood and there is some correlation with how long we will live or something."

"Yeah same old fate but for us there can't be such a correlation since if we aren't burned we are forever, so for us we get like a dream despite not dreaming in that sleep state about something showing us our mate is born into this world, Quinn with her gift always had the ability to dream which I envy her for but it also made her not notice the sign that she had a mate, Bea was much older then her so when she reached eighteen she got a dream about something her mate was currently doing like I don't know, writing a test from the mate's point of view, as I said before she can dream so she just glossed over the warning."

"Wait how much older was Bea?"

"Around one hundred years old."

"So around as much years as she is older then me?"


"She does constantly compare me to Bea like I talk like her and my eyes are like hers..... Do other spirits reincarnate not only deathless spirits?" 

"Even if that was true if has never been proven while the deathless can see bits of their past lives."

"I did hear her mumbling about a promise that was made to her that she'd always stay by her side."

"I don't know Eli, seems far fetched."

"She has a phantom Bea as her sort of wolf second consciousness thingy you guys have and I talk almost exactly like her and almost a hundred years separate us like the two plus exactly the same eye shade, I don't care if it's far fetched as long as I can't be disproved I think I can somehow be her." 

"Sure sure let your wild thoughts fly around haha." She chuckled while I shrugged, I actually liked the idea of being like that Bea girl somehow but still not her but I am getting far from my original goal. 

"So have you and Mike got that dream thingy?"

"Mike, around a month ago said he heard the cooing of a baby without an image but he said he heard an angelic voice, the sister of the baby so he'll soon leave to find her."

"And you? You haven't answered me." She sadly smiled.

"I did..... But it wasn't such a joyous event...." She whispered, looking at her hands. "What I got was the sound of a flat lining heart monitor and the crying of a mother..... My mate died."

"I.... I am so sorry." I whispered. "Might sound rude but will you get a new one?"

"No, all wolves and blood wolves have one mate in their life and for blood wolves you don't even need to meet them to know who they are so fate counts it as mated, mine died so I will never have a mate, I am mateless for life."

"I thought you liked Chloe, I saw you get sad when she talked about a cute date."

"How the hell?!" She yelled making humans look at us weirdly before going back to doing what they were doing before.

"You might not see but I grew up seeing Quinn with like invisible smiles dancing on her lips only I can easily see because they were mostly directed my way, Alexis can sometimes catch them but not as easily as me, I am used to seeing what isn't seen by others.... Well not literally but I meant in facial expression and body language, I saw your face show sadness."

"..... Well you can say I do fancy her but seriously one miracle with you is a lot and to have it happen two times is impossible so I'll be happy for her with whoever she finds."

"Have a bit of hope, it helped for me even if I was doubting the few days before my birthday."

"I can hope but I know I cannot compete with fate, I have my father's and somewhat Quinn's gift, I can read mind for as many hours as seconds I make eye contact but I can cut the time short unlike my father who couldn't, I am too far down the list of those she likes to even hope...... You know, I did like you too but could see who you liked without even a gift to help, I'm so unlucky aren't I?"

"Wait what? You could have told me so who knows I could have helped finding someone that is somewhat like me?!" She laughed.

"Oh you always ready to help even when it's with the weirdest shit."

"But why didn't you tell someone? Everyone thinks you love no one, I wouldn't have hated you for it, maybe turned you away or I don't know shit about what could have happened since the past is no more."

"I tried to tell Quinn but didn't in the end, you were like fifteen at the time and I had thought of telling much more but never did and by the time you were sixteen your besty was the one I preferred romantically, haha weird world right?"

"But why didn't you say?"

"Well I know my sister like I know my own mind you will never find anyone as trusting or as kind.... If I tell her that I love you, she'd be silently resign, you'd might be mine. She would say I'm fine, she'd be lying."

"So you said nothing for her happiness."

"Yeah she changed so much when she brought you back it was a shock to all, I couldn't take that away selfishly."

"You are way to nice."

"Bah my curse, it doesn't weird you out to hear this?"

"I mean a little yeah, wouldn't you be shocked to learn this?"

"I guess I would be."

"Well I guess surprised is a better word then weirded out, plus I can't even get awkward since the bond wouldn't let me even doubt my love." I shrugged, this conversation getting weird. "Anyhow so you won't even try? With Chloe?"

"No and you better tell no one because I don't know what I will do to you."

"Oh jeez calm missy hehe I'll keep it a secret but maybe hope a little? A little hope can bring someone far in life."

"Sure whatever you want Eli but I know my chances."

"Just hope."

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