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Eli's pov:

I found Chloe..... two days ago.

yeah two days passed since Quinn ran off, Alexis could barely track them with their family link saying they never stopped running and with their speed I can't imagine how far they have gone and Anna has half a day advantage.

Chloe was confused and sad on how she got so drunk she didn't realize the truth so now I am awkwardly patting her back while her tear stain my green hoodie I always wear, I'm not the best to deal with this since I was worried for Quinn at the same time, what the hell can Anna want to do by running away? Last time she was this hurt she almost set the house on fire so she'd have died..... Is it the same again? Searching for something far away and burning? Far because she know someone in her family would have followed her if they knew what she was planning and why she left, only me and Quinn know the truth of her departure and I said nothing, not wanting Alexis to flip out.

I know I should have told them more then I did but I trust Quinn can do this.

I looked at a box of tissues and used my gift to pick it up and bring it closer before grabbing it out of the air and handing it to Chloe.

Quinn's pov:

I ran none stop for two days, none stop as we blood wolves don't tire when we reach eighteen years old.

Anna's thoughts were so jumbled I couldn't see much even with my gifts I couldn't look for those thoughts to help me pinpoint her position plus she was still running through the forest to keep away from human eyes when possible so she was still coherent and not acting without thinking which is way worst meaning she has a plan other then just running away.

From time to time I saw a flash of the image of a town, a land mark, something that helped me pinpoint her location for that second, I had a century to learn what was where after all but it was still hard since she is fast.

Despite me being able to beat her in speed normally it was only when I wasn't running blind and she didn't have a night's advantage on me.

With all this running I got scraps and cuts all around from the branches, bushes and rocks I brushed up against while running or ran straight through, the wounds healed but my clothing looked ragged, dirty and old from all the mud, dirt, blood and plant sap stuck to it, my hair was also a mess but hell if I stop before reaching her..... I look like a hobo if not worst.

I can't say much of this chase since it was the same all long, me running after her following the little landscape hints I got, I mean I can tell I'm close but still not enough, such a luck my people don't need to breath or get tired right?

I can't say much so I'll get to the part I finally caught up..... on top of a fucking volcano, fucking mount Etna.

"Anna!" I yelled as I stopped a bit further from her, not wanting to scare her by being to close, she looked like less of a mess then me but the rain, mud and branches also did a number on her, why did people even decide to live near an active volcano, okay I know it's not that active and for the tourism... Now we are in this problem.

She glared back at me with so much hate I flinched slightly.

"Fuck off!" She barked.

"Anna calm down, there is no need for this." I said softly, slowly inching closer, she scoffed at me.

"No need.... Haha.... NO NEED?!?!?! YOU of all people should know!! You should know how it feels to loose a mate!! You stole the one I loved!! And then!! THEN!! Then that bitch gets her mate!! Where is there no need for this?!?!"

"Anna you are misunderstanding the situation! Chloe didn--" "DON'T SPEAK HER NAME!!!" And as if on queue the volcano let out a big puff of smoke that created strong wind and slightly shook the ground.

"You know nothing!! Leave me alone!!"

"Anna listen to me!! You have it all wrong!!"

"All wrong... And what other jokes will you tell me?!! You useless bitch, you think you know all because you are older!! News flash!! Things change!!"

"Anna!" I was a bit shocked by all she was saying. "Anna I do know the pain of a mate dying, heck I held on the pain until not long ago and I still feel it but I won't let it hold me down anymore!"

"Well that's you!! I don't care for your stupid ass!"

"Chloe is not that man's mate!!!"

"Stop trying!!"

"I--Anna!" I zipped to her and tackled as she looked away from me and almost took a step of the ledge and sent us tumbling down the rocky side of the lava-filled mountain.

I groaned when the ground finally leveled out enough for us to stop tumbling down and laid on my back, taking shallow breaths.

I brought my hand to my lower ribs and dug my hand in my skin to reach under the rib and snap it back into place with a yelp before sighing a relief and sit up, twisting my right wrist up in the way it is supposed to be and popped my knee back in place like I learned to do oh so long ago.

I staggered to my feet and pulled out the stone spike from my back and threw it as the ground and walked over to Anna who go on her knees, grabbed her arm a bit harshly and snapping her upper arm bone into place.

She punched me in the face but I ignored it and put the shoulder back into it's socket and getting rid of the stone shards in her back.

When I was done with making sure she was alright despite the three more face punches, I grabbed her col with both hands and yanked her up to her feet and off the ground as I glared at her.

"How can you be such a heartless bitch?!?! have you not thought into reading Chloe's mind?!? No of course you haven't!! You always want to be the victim!! Like oh look at me I'm the only one suffering here!! Do you know how hard it is for me to not beat the shit out of you right now for doing this?!?! You are lucky I'm not my father or you'd be dead by my hand for quite a while!! You bitch!!" I let her fall to the ground with eyes closed and a sigh after I yelled out the frustration from my body. "Look." I said gentler while looking at her with my narrowed eyes. "The man is not hers, she is confused and hurt that this happened.... What did that man do? He tried getting to YOU!" I shoved my pointer finger against her chest harshly, frustration climbing again. "YOU! he hugged YOU, he smelled nice to her because of YOU, the smell left in the morning because it was not his but YOURS!! DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND NOW?!?!?" And I started yelling at the end again.

I shook my head and disappointment and threw her over my shoulder in the fireman's carry.

I shook my head and disappointment and threw her over my shoulder in the fireman's carry

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I hissed closing my eyes since I was hurt but still took off towards home.

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