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Quinn's pov:

You may call me a bit dramatic but I had dragged Anna over to Chloe's house and threw her in through an open window before telling Chloe to 'keep her' and closing the window because both of them were faaaar to confused and awkward to confront each other.

"Quinn that was..... Stupid." Mike face palmed.

"Hey you agreed to help me."

"Well I did but I thought like walking her to the front door not through a window."

"Either that or Anna will be unable to do it herself."

"I hate to agree.... Hey sis?"


"My mate will soon be of age."

"So that means you soon will be leaving us huh?"

"Yeah from what I could tell when I saw her in that vision thingy it was quite far, like the accent of the mother was really pronounced."

"Well you gotta talk to mom and ma."

"Trust me I will, I'm a bit nervous since well I most likely won't see you again unless I visit or you do or even a face-time call, we'll be able to talk through the family link but it is not the same."

"Yeah I know I know, you wouldn't want to separate your mate from their.... They were a wolf or a vamp?"


"So you wouldn't want to separate them from their pack I don't blame you, just don't be strangers to us okay?" I didn't want him to leave but such was to be the case.

"Don't worry we won't be."

"You better not be.... Well we will surely miss you a lot, I remember when you barely reached above my knees."

"That wasn't such a good time for you."

"It wasn't but it doesn't matter with you and Anna there with mom and all our friends."

"Yeah well I'd love to talk more but I got to get to packing, I plan on leaving on their birthday which is in a week."

"Pffff yeah yeah brush me away like that."

"That's not what I meant."

"Oh I know Mike now go get ready and don't forget telling our moms."

"Will do."

I sighed as he zipped off and thought about finding Eli.

'First you refused to love her because of me and now you are clingy as hell.'

'Oh shut up Bea.' I chuckled. 'You wanted this, at least your death hurts less.'

'And you chuckled, seems her promises were true like mines were cursed to be huh?'

'I suppose you are right so have an idea where she is?'

'Hmm Nico, Mars, Derek, Carly, Jeffy and she went out to the town's burger joint.'


'No problem.'

I stopped my temporary block of mind reading and the thoughts of all I read came flooding in filling the silence with the usual chatter that became the norm in my head.

I sent a link to mom asking ma to warn Eli amma show up, it is so not practical that our link only works with people like us and not with wolves but we got to live with it.

A few people I knew got the privilege of seeing a smile on my face or hearing a short laugh, Eli was getting better and better at getting these reactions out of me, it was also funny to see other's reaction, I have three favorite for different reasons.

The first was Carly when I was helping her by being her training partner and she like got so shocked when I smiled when Eli ran over to ask me something she ran into a tree.

The second was Mike, he threw a frying pan at me yelling in true and absolute fear 'who are you' and 'what did you do to Quinn' he was so shocked he became scared and it took a while to get him to calm down as I couldn't stop remembering his expression and constantly giggling while I tried to talk.

The third and last was my mom, well she dropped the vase she was holding which is bad but still, her eyes wide with her hands over her mouth, poor woman started crying because she finally saw a smile again and I tell you I was stuck in a hug for at least ten minutes and I couldn't make her let go off me.

I guess times change, after the storm, no matter how long it is, always comes the good time.

I will never forget Bea, I just can't no, it will still hurt me but won't hold me back, just you wait Eli until you faint from hearing me say this right to your face haha, who knew this would happen when I picked up that little baby from that car lost in the forest?

Bravo Eli bravo you made it.... Your words became to truth, I bow to you, I lost you won.

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