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Anna's pov:

I was carelessly dropped to the ground but I too didn't really care.

"Oh and Anna? One last thing." Quinn made me face her and punched me hard enough to sent me to the ground again, the ground giving the second punch.

"QUINN!" I heard mom's yell in shock.

"If you want an apology find me later because I'm not regretting this." She spat and marched away, I saw Eli glance at me and ran after Quinn.

"Anna are you okay?" Mom pulled me to my feet and I gently slapped her hand away from my face and wiped the blood on my sleeve, I was looking messy enough for it to not make a big difference in my over all looks.

"Stop." I whispered and shook my head. "I earned it." I said while walking away from her.

You know.... I don't know anything myself, I mean.... I.... I just don't know.

'Stop' and 'I earned it' having been the only words I spoke ever since Quinn picked me up and carried me back, I didn't have reason to fight her.

I don't know what I'm feeling, all and nothing, voices telling me this and that while my mind remains silent as a desert.

I could try and list all emotions I feel and yet no answer would come from me as I feel nothing.

I feel all and nothing, it's hard to explain, so many thoughts and yet emptiness, wanting to say something but not knowing what.

This is what happens when the truth comes to the top really, all confusion inside the soul.

Reading minds doesn't help to sooth the turmoil inside, seeing what went down with that man in his apartment.... What almost happened.... Almost had his.... In her....

I grabbed my head and snarled softly before shaking my head and looking around to see where my legs had brought me, the beach near our village.

I kicked up the sand with a sigh, I am not even able to say her name, why would I even be able after all that happened?

It brought a killer headache the more I thought about the situation, how one person caused so much pain to both parties in this conflict that isn't really a conflict to begin with.

Eli..... I'm sorry for not believing you... So sorry.... You were right.... Miracles can happen if you hope... Hope that I had lost.

I felt tears drip down my face as I fell on my knees, the water brushing up against my knees and leaving wet patches on my dirtied pants.

My shoulders shook as I put my hand on the wet sand and dug my fingers in it, clenching my fists as the few first tears soon turned into rivers and rivers to cascades as I sobbed with anger, sadness, relief, joy and all contradicting emotions I felt in regards of the situation and the miracle at had happened but shadowed and derailed by a single man.

Quinn's pov:

I cut of my mother's calls through the links as I just wanted some peace.

Oh I know Eli followed me but I didn't really care, she wouldn't be a distraction from the peace I want.

I also temporarily stopped reading the minds of all those I did to finally have true silence in my mind from other then my own thoughts and possibly that Bea imitation I have in my head.... It was soothing.

I sighed and stopped walking, turning to Eli and holding my hand out too her, she grabbed it and I pulled her next to me as I continued walking around.

"She needed that punch." I tell while looking up at her as my face was turned towards the ground.

"Mhm." She just agreed with me without asking for an explanation which I really didn't have for a few minutes.

"Like a wake up call, when I found you in that car was mine I suppose since it changed me despite still holding on too the past until not long ago and Anna needed to understand not only does this hurt her but everyone else, I took a long time to understand that.... But she had no reason to hurt over this situation if she only thought a little and looked into Chloe's mind and didn't act like a child.... I can't get in your head but I bet it would have made it easier for us if I could eh?"

"Well like this my fantasies are safe from your thoughts." I snorted, laughing a bit with a smile.

"I guess..... Eli? Elizabeth?" I tried to gain her attention as she just stared at my face, zoning out big time.

"Pinch me." She whispered.


"Pinch me."

"Euhm okay?" I did as asked and she winced before rubbing her eyes and staring once again while grabbing my face leaving me with a confused smile.

"I'm not dreaming...."

"Eli are you alright? Do I need to get a doctor?" I asked worriedly while grabbing her hands on my face and bringing them in front of me, she just started laughing and shook her head.

"No silly it's just..... You smiled, like a real smile everyone else could also see, a big beautiful smile." She said before leaning closer, I was half shocked and knew what she wanted to do so I kind of let her kiss me though I was a bit disappointed it didn't last longer then a few seconds.

"I smiled?"

"Yeah, I love how it looks on your face."

"Well I guess did promise you'd make me smile right?"

"Yeah yeah."

"Well you did say that everything you said would be the truth but don't get used to this smile too much for now."

"Oh don't worry I will make you smile more."

"Is that a challenge?"

"You bet it is."

"You're on."

"Just you wait."

"Oh I will."


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