The Next Update Will Be....

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So its September 1st 

*Wake Me Up When September Ends Plays in background*

Ok back to the main point, so I start school tomorrow :( and I STILL HAVENT done my essays! Because well I procrastinate , 2 books and 2 5 page essays!  I was thinking about winging it and just sparknote and bullshit my essay, but heres the thing 

1. Its wayy too late


3. One is optional and extra credit

4. Its just the outline, NOT the essay so maybe i can just bullshit an outline

But since school is starting that means I need time to get myself organized and think of some sophisticated lies as to why i didn't do summer reading

What do you think of this lie

'I went to a One Direction concert after waiting 3 years, and dealing with bullies for 3 years. I was so overcome with excitment and happiness that I couldnt focus on anything but the concert. And I've been suffering from PCD (Post Concert Depression) ever since. Its a very long and hard process to cure. The only way is to bring me to more concerts which wont happen until I see 5 Seconds of Summer next year when I'm a senior'

You think he'll buy that?

Yeah not good enough, but whatever I'm already gonna be stressed

I'm going to be a juinor which means testing , testing and more testing. Oh and we cant forget the SATs becuase everyone loves those and the CAPt (My state testing for Juinors in high school) and the most important College applications, college visits, all that college crap. Since freshman year all I've heard is 'you need to think about your future' 'what you get out is what you put in' 'positivity is best' blah blah blah 

I know i shouldn't be so negetive about this but its just so annoying. They cram everything onto us and make us stressed about high school and grades and college and it just gets annoying

I dont even know what I'm going to eat for dinner tonight how the hell am i supposed to know what I wanna do 10 years from now >.<

To be honest I am totally clueless about who i wanna be or what I wanna do, everyone else seems to have their minds set on a goal. Then theres me clueless, lost, and confused. Everyone is taking classes and joining clubs aimed at what they want to do as a career, while I'm here writing fanfic and blogging about bands. Not really any careers in that

But anyway enough about my're not here to read about my high school crisis, you're here to find out when the next update will be

So like I said i need time to get myself organized and situated so I dont fall apart half way through the year So I'll need maybe a week or 2, but probably a week to finally get settled in with teachers and get all my notebooks labled. So I do have my 'special notebook' (I call it that because i use it to doodle and write poems and ideas in) So I will be writing the story in that whenever I have free time at school :) It'll make it a lot quicker to type up and update, so if I finish writing it I'll immediately update it I promise ≧◠◡◠≦✌ (So hopefully by friday)

I also want to thank you all for your tips on the whole Magcon confusion and not giving me the whole fake fan speech, it made me feel a lot better :) They all really helped and will make it a lot easier writing. I'll try my best to include all of the Magcon boys equally in the story, I may some of their personalities and add a little twist to them too

One of the reasons it takes so long to write and update is I have so many characters in the story and I dont want any of them to just disappear and I have so many things going on and a lot of drama thats going to start building up. I dont want it to get too confusing or random because then it wont make sense. So to fix that I'll probably sit in class and organize my thoughts, ideas, and plot instead of taking notes in class. I'll try my hardest not to and pay attention in class, but my teachers dont teach, they hand us worksheets and thats it. So it gets a bit hard to pick up something new when you cant even understand what you're trying to learn


You dont have to, but if you want to you can leave any of the below in the comments because constructive criticism (good or bad) helps me improve as a writer


-Constructive Criticism 

-Something I can change, add, take out

-What you did and didn't like

-Who I should add or take out

-Improvements on anything

If you want you are free to answer any of the above in the comments

Thank you I love you all


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Have you started school yet? If so what grade are you all in? Just curious (>‿◠)✌

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