Chapter 11

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Sooo.....I'm gonna start bringing in the magcon boys. Not all at once but sooner or later they will come in


Back at school. Great. I was sitting by myself reading a book on a bench out in front of the school. Kay and Addy were on a field trip for a week which sucked because I didn't have any other friends and I still didn't know my way around this school. I knew how to get to a few classes but I always had to stop and ask people where to go, and every time people ignored me.


Great I was late for class. I ran down the hall trying to figure out where my god damn classroom was. "Hey" I heard the sound of books drop to the floor from the hallway up ahead of me. Running over I peaked around to see a kid about my height with brown hair with the bowl type of cut. He bent down to pick up his books but other 2 guysI think thier names were Jeff and Sam, kicked them out of his reach and down the hall right in front of me. Trying to be as discreet as possiable I picked up the book. 

"Theres a month and half of school left why would anyone be stupid enough to come to school" Jeff said pushing him into the locker

   "'re such nerd" Sam said. The kid just stood there while Jeff and Sam laughed. 

"You idiots are late for class" I said coming out from around the corner 

   "Oh shut up" Sam said

"Just leave the poor kid alone"

   "Yeah...whats a little nerd like you gonna do about it" Jeff said getting in my face giving me a little push, me being small and short fell backwards. Leaving my backpack on the ground I stood up and got in his face

"Dont under estimate me"

    "You're so small you couldn't do any damage" Down the other hall I heard a class coming, they were probably going to the other computer room. Which was in the hallway next to us

"Oh really?" I said listening as the class got closer

   "We could push you over and you'd break an arm" Sam laughed

"Prove it" I looked around the corner and saw a few kids "You won't do anything"

   "You know what? You're really annoying" Jeff yelled

"Just trying to help the poor kid, you started it"

   "Why don't you just mind your own buisness" Sam said

"You really want us to prove it" Jeff walked up to me "I'll prove it" With that he pushed me, I made sure to let my self fall near the other hallway where people would be able to see us. I fell on my side with a loud *thud* 

      "Ahh" I struggled trying to get up, trying to make a scene

 "Yeah take your dumb books too" Sam threw the books at me, one hitting me hard on the head which wasn't supposed to happen and it hurt bad since it was a text book

   "Ahh...oww" I yelped holding my head. It hurt so bad I started to cry which finally caught the attention of a techer who immedatly ran over 

"What the heck happened?" No one answered "all 4 of you in the office now"  We all got up and followed the teacher to the office. We all sat down on the benches until we were all sitting in the principles office. One of the secretary's handed me an ice pack

  "Thank you" I sniffled

"So can someone explain to me why she ended up on the ground and books thrown at her" No one spoke "and Why this young boy was being bullied" he looked at me "Carly what happened?"

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