A/n: Hostly is supposed to be a different take on the word Honestly. Cause she meets all the hosts and the big focus word is Honestly that occurs at some point in the chapter.
Hana's POV
Tamaki stated, "Nooo." He clung to the wheel of my chair. I felt the confusion wash over me.
I stared at him wide-eyed, "Huh?" What is up with this club? I know he's the "idiot king" yet still...
Kyoya said, "He can be an idiot at times." That caused Tamaki to rush into a corner and begin sulking. Kyoya sighed, "The twins are the devilish type..." The twins posed arms interlocked one with a pale orange rose and the other with a teal one.
He continued, "Honey is the cute type." Haninozuka posed with puppy eyes and a pink rose in both his hands. Kyoya then gestured to Morinozuka, "Mori is the strong and silent type." Morinozuka calmly held a dark blue rose in front of his chest. He said, "Haruhi is the natural type." Haruhi who I figured out is awkwardly holding a red rose.
Then Kyoya smiled slightly with his eyes showing slight annoyance, "Or would you prefer me as the cool type?" He held out a purple rose. He then stated, "Or would you prefer Tamaki..."
Tamaki held my hand again, "the princely type." I gently tugged my hand away from Tamaki. I sat slightly in shock.
I said, "Umm... I don't know." I rolled myself back about three feet. I said, "You all seem nice, in your own ways."
Kyoya stated, "Then try out the hosts and see what you like best."
I said, "Ummm...." Is this honestly how they are every day? Well, I it can't hurt. I already told father I was staying after, today.
Honey cheerfully stated, "She can come and sit with me and Takashi!" Nobody immediately retorted except Tamaki who I ignored.
I smiled weakly, "Ok I guess." I rolled behind them to their table. They sat on a couch and three girls sat on the other. I noticed I automatically drew the attention of the other girls.
I held a light smile and tuned them out listening to Honey blab on about cake. He stopped and his eyes meet mine, "I forgot to ask. What's your name, princess?"
I said, "O-oh..." All three girls were staring at me intently. I said, "H-Hana..."
Honey smiled, "That's a pretty name." Then he started going to beg the other girls to have more cake. I tried to shrink into my chair hoping not to be called on again. Then I heard from behind me in unison, "Senpais we're borrowing her."
Then I still felt jarred as my wheelchair got moved. Soon enough I ended at a table that only had two girls. After a few seconds, the twins were across from the girls I was somewhat near. So they brought me here.
They started talking about a nightmare one had had. Yet soon enough one became teary causing the other to apologize. Is this what siblings are usually like? Afterwards the stood hugging and embracing as roses surrounded them.
No, it can't be. I felt a tap on my shoulder and noticed Haruhi. He smiled, "Kyoya-senpai said I should spend time with you. You also seem a little dazed. Want to come to my table and I'll make you some tea?"
I said, "Oh, okay." I rolled myself behind Haruhi until I arrived at a different table that was empty. I guess the "natural type" isn't too popular. I questioned, "Hey, where are your guests?"
Haruhi said, "They all have already left for today. I'm not the most popular, that'd be Tamaki-senpai." I nodded gently. He asked, "Would you like tea?"

Sickly Prisoner (Ouran OHSHC Takashi Mori Morinozuka Kyoya Ootori)
FanfictionSeeing the same walls everyday is like being in prisoned. Yet there was a consistent visitor to Hana's prison. Her big brother Kyoya came. Hana favored him and wanted to be closer to him. Yet what will happen when the lock is removed and she's allow...