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The week is beginning to come to a close and I still don't have any information on anything. I haven't even tried to meet up with him though mother told me I live near him. I've got to go out and find something, anything. So that afternoon I go out using allyways to stay hidden. I checked a map that mother left for me to find my way and it led me to a junk beach. The alleyway I decided to hide in was very dimly lit so I was hidden well. I peek out only to see the boy, Mother called him Izuku Midoriya, and a frail, skinny, middle-aged man. I decided to stick around to see more of what they are doing.

After about an hour, they both just continued to do the same thing! Midoriya just went back and forth at a painfully slow rate picking out one piece of trash and moving it to the side. The middle-aged man only sat there and watched him, giving him occasional tips and small motivational speeches.

"Ugh, come on! Do something, I can't report something this small back to Mother, she wants some type of progress!" I mumble to myself, standing here just watching is getting exhausting! I decide to sit down and sigh, "They aren't doing anything that will give any information, I really don't want to have to go over there because that will only make things even more 'hush-hush'." I put my head in my lap, the street was now empty because of it getting late so we were the only ones out when I suddenly hear a shout.

"YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT!?" I jumped up and looked around the corner. The skinny man was only holding something out to Midoriya who looked disgusted on so many levels. It took a lot not to laugh but I stayed quiet and tried to figure out what they were doing. "...Young... shounen.... and become..." After The skinny man finished mumbling his sentence Midoriya stared at his hand and took something still looking very conflicted. Suddenly he ate what it was and almost gagged. "...did he... did he just feed a child drugs!?" I was truly shocked, the creepy old man just gave him drugs, and the idiot actually used them! I thought in his file it said he was a straight-A student, was it a typo? Or is it just a rebellious phase?

I wasn't sure what to think but all I knew was that Midoriya seemed very susceptible to suggestion. That may come in handy later. I notice that they begin to go their separate ways so I decide that it's about time for me to go too. First I follow Midoriya home to just know where he lives and then I head home myself.

That next Monday I took the entrance exam and knew everything on the written part. It was as easy as I thought it would be. Afterward, we had the physical text and I was placed in city D. No one stood out too much, other than one boy who had a strong ice quirk and he was a heterochromia.

He was kinda cute too, I'm low-key hoping he's going to be in the same class as me. I finish with 65 points and head home tired, I need to report to Mother about today. She specifically ordered me to on the last report. As soon as I got in, I got on the laptop and video called her to give her an update.

"Y/N, I expect good news." I slowly looked at Mothers face and spoke in a monotone way. "I took the entrance exam and I'm sure I passed better than all others. The boy that was close to All Might got absolutely no points in the physical half of the exam, or so I've heard from the other students. There was no sight of All-Might, although there was a strong boy with an ice quirk. He seems as though he may be a threat to the mission later on so I've decided to keep a close eye on him. That is all I've been able to gather today." I finish my report and Mother pauses to think for a moment.

"That boy... Midoryia, he is a very genuine child who cares greatly for others. This is in the report that I've recently gotten. I want you, when school begins, to be completely against speaking to anyone. As if you vowed to not make friends, then, slowly open up to him. Maybe also that boy with the ice that you were speaking of too, you need to keep an eye on him." Mother pauses once more and thinks. "Yes, if things go the way I believe then he will be the one trying to open up to you. Then things will be easier to get information, to make the kill easier."

My stomach twisted into a knot at the thought of killing once more. I don't think I'll ever be completely prepared to do such a thing. Unknowingly my face behind to frown and Mother quickly notices my change in attitude. "Is there a problem?" Mother's tone was threatening, and even though the screen, it was as if she were looking down on me. I'm scared. "N-no Mother, I have no problem at all." Mother studied my face for a moment but began speaking again and soon the call was over.

In about another week's time, I received a package, it was a hologram of All Might. It only states that I got into class 1-A and that I was top of the class with only one question wrong. Damn, that pisses me off, just one question? Also that I and my family should be proud of me.

That last comment made me really think. "My family, huh? What family...?" I truly don't see Mother as a family, she is only my legally obligated caretaker because she birthed me. That's it. She treats me like trash, has favorites, and purposefully tries to remove me by sending me on dangerous missions. Yeah, she's a great family.

I sigh and put arms over my eyes and lean back on my bed. The school will be starting soon. I'll have to start off as a silent loner as Mother said. Then after he approached me, get to know more about All Might and get him to tell me about him. Lastly, use that information to swiftly and quietly and his life... Seems easy enough. I chuckle at my own sarcasm, this is going to be an amazing school year. I can't wait.

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