Plans After School

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For two days straight the brunette girl, which I found her name was Uraraka, is constantly approaching me. At first, it really annoyed me, but I noticed her constantly failing to communicate with me has drawn Midoriya's attention. So today I plan to not walk away when she speaks to me, but just ignore her. That way, I'll still be in his line of sight and will attempt to converse with me too. Wow, today I'm using big words like a big kid.

So, that day I did as I decided and Uraraka approaches me after the lesson ends and it's lunchtime. "Um, hi, Uraraka again, I hope you remember my name." She looked at me with eyes full of hope and I only nodded. She looked as if she were going to burst with excitement by the fact that I simply nodded. "That's great, was there anything that you had a hard time understanding during the lesson? I and a couple of the girls and guy are going to have a study session and-" I cut her off by putting up my hand. "I understood the lesson completely fine, I'll have to refuse." Her extra joyfulness was getting unbearable.

I stood and headed towards the door but was stopped by a hand suddenly grabbing my arm. I turned around slowly but with a death glare only to find Midoriya behind me. He quickly let go and took a step back. "U-um! Sorry I-I shouldn't have grabbed you l-like that!" I looked down at my arm, making sure to return back to my poker face. He had a strong grip for sick a frail looking boy. "But um, I was wondering i-if you might r-reconsider Urarakas offer. W-we would really like t-to get to know everyone in the class. U-um please?"

I look at his face, he's blushing way harder than he should in this type of situation. I sigh and look him in the eyes. "I don't know," Midoriya looks down at his feet sadly. "I might come and help with your work. Only if I have time." He looks up at me and smiles brightly. "That would be great! I'll see you after school, we plan to meet at the school gate." His smile was so cute, I want to pinch is cheeks like some old lady.

So I did. I reached up and grabbed his cheeks and softly squeezed. Their so soft I want to kidnap him, he's so cute. I silently stood mesmerized by the softness of his cheeks when I realized how red his face has become and he silently stood there watching me. I quickly snatched my hands back, a blush slowly crept across my face, noticing others in the classroom were watching too. "See you after school." I quickly turned and fled to the cafeteria, leaving him, red, and frozen in place.

The lunchroom was too crowded so I took my food to the roof. I opened the door and felt a light breeze brush against my cheek. The weather is perfect, the sun is shining but that small breeze makes it nice and cool. I turn to go sit to the right of the door when I see red and white hair blow in the wind. It's him again. This time he decided to sleep on the roof, looking as peaceful as ever.

I stick out my hand and began contemplating whether I should just rid of him now. No one would know. I could just get him out of the way now. One less problem for me. I began to tremble and broke out in a cold sweat. It is so easy, why am I hesitating!? I sighed and took a few deep breaths to calm myself. If I can't get rid of him how will I ever kill All Might? I decided to take a seat beside him and quietly ate.

I munched on the burger that I got out of the line when I noticed Todoroki started to fidget. His breathing became hitched and he broke out into a cold sweat. His face grimaced and his fist was clenched. His eyes flew open and he leaned forward gasping for air. Oh my god, he's having a panic attack. I began to run him on the back in a circular and whisper calming things.

"Take slow deep breaths. Everything is going to be fine, there is No need to get so worked up. You are completely safe." After a few minutes, he began to call down and breath. He quickly swatted my hand away and stood, scowling at me. "Why are you here? What do you want from me? I knew you have been watching me since the first day. Did my father send you?" I only sat there looking at him confused, who the hell is his father? Why the hell should I care about him?

"Answer me Y/N!" His voice began to rise as he slowly began to activate his quirk. So I returned the gesture by readying to activate mine. "What the hell, I just helped you! LOOK. Attacking me is not the best idea buddy. I don't know who your father is or what you're talking about!" We both sat there for a moment, me waiting to see if he will attack, him deciding whether to attack.

"Whatever..." Todoroki lowered his arms and so did I, although I never let my guard down. Then the bell sounded signaling it's time to go back to class. Todoroki left me on the roof first and I soon followed not wanting to be late and draw attention.

After all of my classes ended I gathered my things and headed towards the gate. I was suddenly grabbed by my arm and pulled into an empty classroom. I turned towards the person and propelled them backward and they slammed against the wall letting out a grunt. They had fallen behind the desks so I couldn't see their face, only their uniform. The voice was also deep so it was safe to assume to was a boy.

Suddenly the floor was covered in ice and I was stuck in place. I reached my hands down and dissolved the ice then used my quirk to throw the desks out of the way. It was Todoroki. "What the hell do you want from me!?" I was getting tired of his constant hindrance to my plans. He opened his mouth to speak when I heard footsteps heading our way.
The teachers.
I opened a window and looked back to scowl at Todoroki. "I don't know what you want but let's finish this another time."

I jumped and landed beside a few students who were shocked and wondering how I jumped from high up and didn't get hurt. I ignored the gasps and made my way to the front gate acting as if nothing happened. After all, I have a date to attend. Even though there are others coming too.

ROGUE: Todoroki X Reader X MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now