A Target

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So today is the first day of school, I wonder if Midoriya actually got in. I mean, he did get zero points during the physical exam. That morning I woke up a bit early and got dressed. Had to make sure I looked somewhat okay, it is the first day of school ya know. I left early and took the shortest route possible to get to the school which was about a 10 min walk. Walking up the school was kinda, ironic I guess. I'm a villain, the daughter of a famous one too, going to a hero's school. Ain't that something?

I approach the classroom and pause for a moment to call myself. I have to look dead inside. No emotion, no smiles, just a straight face. Okay, let's go. I open the door and immediately find two people arguing. "How unruling, get your feet off of the desk! That is disrespectful to the teachers and the school!" The boy only continued to sit there rolling his eyes. "FUCK OFF EXTRA." I sigh mentally, still remaining blank-faced and made my way to the back corner seat. I need to be able to see everyone in the class and observe.

I decide to pull out a book when I notice Midoriya come in. The blonde boy who was arguing with the other kid immediately got up and started threatening him. He seems so shy and frail, how could he get into this school, and why would All Might care about him? I slowly sink deep into my thought and barely notice who decided to take the seat next to me. I only noticed him because I saw a red blur on my side. It was that boy from the entrance exam. The one with the strong ice power.

I quietly watched him out of the corner of my eye and soon noticed he looked over at me too. We both froze, unmoving, remaining eye contact. Why is he looking at me? Have I been found out? The tension quickly began to rise but the test of the class was completely aware. I quickly began to lose reason and slowly began to activate my quirk with the intent to kill. Dangerous. I need to get rid of him.

"Get to your seats, this is not the social hour!" The teachers' voice broke our nerve-wracking staring contest as he inched into the classroom like a caterpillar. Everyone quickly scurried to their seats and he stood in front of us all. "Eight seconds to get quiet. Unacceptable." The teacher only shook his head. He looked ragged like he literally just woke up. His hair was long and messy he had untrimmed stubble and dark circles under his eyes.

Damn. Dude needs a nap.
And a brush.

"My name is Shouta Aizawa

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"My name is Shouta Aizawa... blah blah blah... teacher stuff... here are your gym uniforms. Put them on were taking a quirk apprehension test." With that said he put a box full of blue gym uniforms onto the table and everyone stood to get one. There were some complaints that we were having a test on the first and some charts that we were doing something physical on the first day. Although I couldn't care either way, I was focused on watching Midoriya and making sure I wasn't being watched by the Heterochromia ( A/N basically is the condition of being born with 2 different colored eyes, forgot to put it in the last chapter) not wasn't watching me. Although I'm hot, I don't like prying eyes on me.

Everyone got dressed quickly and met outside and gathered around Aizawa.
I stood in the back by myself but not too far back because I still needed to hear what the teacher says. I behind talking about middle school which I can't relate to because I was homeschooled to become a villain. He says something that makes everyone gasp but I wasn't paying attention. Then he makes the loud blonde kid from this morning throw a ball using his quirk. He threw it 705.3 meters, it's a good throw but I definitely could do better. Maybe I should go easy on them since they haven't had any training? Nah, screw them, I'm here again my own will might as well have some fun.

The entire time during the entire test I got first place in everything. I did so well that the teacher was surprised. The best part about it was that no one could figure out what my quirk was. Well, the ice boy might have figured out what my quirk is although his poker face is unbelievable. It was hard to figure out what he was thinking, but throughout the test, I noticed his gaze kept falling on me. I first noticed when I threw the ball, he had ignored everyone else's throws but when I went up he watched me. His gaze felt as if it were going I burn a hole through me.

If that doesn't scream 'weird' then I don't know what does.

Last, it was Midoriyas turn. He got the ball and winded it up, then when he threw it went basically nowhere. I look to see Aizawas reaction and notice his hair was floating and his eyes were red. I see he canceled his quirk, that's his quirk. "I could've sworn I was using it..."

"I canceled your quirk, you were about to destroy your arm just to not fail this test were you? If that was your plan then you aren't cut out to be a hero. What would you have done if this were a battle? Would you have destroyed your arm? Then what, what would have done? Nothing, you would be incapacitated, useless, incapable of saving anyone. Then there would only be another causality." Midoriya looked down at his feet as if he were just shot. "I will give you one more chance, don't make me regret it." Aizawa handed him the ball and Midoriya took it now looking more determined than ever. He windes the ball once again but this time the

ball flew off into the distance and out of sight. He turned to the teacher grimacing and holding his hand with a now broken finger.

"See, I'm not useless." He had tears in his eyes but held them back as he held his broken finger. I only watched the scene unfold, but he seems determined but a ticking bomb that will only affect himself. Soon the teacher gathered us and showed I put placing, Midoriya was last. It was to be assumed, he came last in every test except the ball throwing and he seemed devastated by the results. Dang, it's just a test, there aren't any severe repercussions. "Oh yeah, about what I said, no one is going to be kicked out, you all passed."

... wait, wut?

He was going to fail is if we did bad? That's why he was so desperate with his ball throw, it was his last hope. Midoriya looked as if he were going to collapse with relief. The teacher took this time to leave, I noticed him about to turn the corner but stop and begin to speak to someone. I decided to walk a bit to my side to get a better view when I saw him.

All Might

Seeing him made my gut churn but I managed to keep my poker face. I went inside first to use the locker room while the locker room was still. As I slid my shirt my hand brushed against my scar on my shoulder. Just touching it made me whimper a bit. It has been years since I've gotten it but it still haunts me and is the cause of all my nightmares. I put my skirt back on still trembling when the door opens. A brunette came in and notice the terrified look on my face. "Oh my gosh, are you alright?" I can't deal with this. I hate when people try to comfort me, only Bernard understood me. Everyone else is just stupid and naive trying to talk about something they don't know anything about. I grab my things and brush past her without saying anything.

I don't feel like dealing with anyone right now, thank God the day is over. I decide to run home to burn off some steam. I got inside and took a long hot shower and pushed my bad thoughts to the side and thought about happy things.



Mmmmh burgers sound good.

Maybe fries too.

My thoughts only made me hungry so I made what I was thinking about for dinner. It was soooooo good. I didn't realize it but I've been craving this for a while now. This day was so long, now I'll have to find a way to rid of that boy. He is too observant, how will I even do it? What was his name again... ah, it was Todoroki.

ROGUE: Todoroki X Reader X MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now