Inside Details // Chapter 6

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I didn't know Avalon for very long, let alone know much about him in general. However, the one thing I do know is that he's very injured, and I want to help. I stand a few steps away from the stretcher Avalon is on, and scan his damages. The arrow in his shoulder seems to be the only injury on him. Nurses are frantically working to help Avalon. Cameo's there, standing at his side mumbling a few words to him. Avalon is awake, and looking at Cameo directly with calm eyes. The pain doesn't seem to be necessarily affecting him yet. 

I take a step towards Cameo, as Avalon is my other partner in this chaos of the Trials. I go and stand towards Cameo, making my way through the nurses, trying my best to not get in their way. When I reach the side of the stretcher, and catch them in a conversation.

"I was knocking my arrow when all of a sudden he rapidly did it before me, and struck me directly" Avalon explains and Cameo butts in. 

"Yeah, they're programmed to fight you, but the arrow seems to be riddled with electricity itself. Which is odd, because the clone's don't have powers at all. It should be just a normal arrow" Cameo explains. "I'll look into this. But for now, you've got a bit of time to recover before Trial 3. You're needed" Cameo says but then leans in close, to Avalon, and whispering at very low level. "The organization needs someone like you. Orion will explain" He says. He backs up, and pulls my arm and we walk away from the stretcher and allow the nurses to heal Avalon. 

Cameo keeps walking, and slightly looking back to make sure I'm following him. This stadium has many floors, and corridors, but Cameo picks one and enters, as I follow. 

It's a simple storage closet, full of janitor supplies. Cameo shuts the door behind me and locks it. I start to get extremely nervous. What is going on?

"Out there, they are all listening. To literally everything. I've got a few moments before anyone notices I'm gone" Cameo tells me. 

"Who are 'they'?" I ask him immediately. 

"The corporation, or organization. Whatever you want to call them" He explains. "They're called Corp 4. A high class group of powerful individuals, with powers like yours. And mine"  He tells me. He brings his right hand down by his side and a thicker vine grows from nowhere and wraps around his hand. "They're gathering a group of powerful Potentials, like us. Like you." He continues.

"So they're testing a large group of us to see who's actually useful?" I ask back, shifting my standing position. 

"Exactly" He reassured me. "We have these Trials, to see which of you are capable to work with us. However" He paused. "There's something off. Avalon's clone shouldn't have been able to shoot an arrow with electricity wrapped around it. It's not in their program." He tells me.

I connect the dots pretty quickly. "So, you're saying that someone hijacked Avalon's trial, and tried to kill him?" I take in a sharp breath, realizing what I just said. 

"Yeah, that's what I'm getting at too. For the final Trial, you need to keep an eye on Avalon. But not too close, cause then they'll know something is up" He instructs me.

I give him a nod in return. I understand. Someone is after Avalon, and I've gotta try my best to help him in any way, shape, or form. Cameo tells me to leave the storage room a few minutes after he does, to not draw suspicion. However, it's already weird that we've both left a storage closet, but we roll with it anyways. 

When I return to the open area with the tents and such, I see Avalon chatting with Cameo, with a strong smile on his face. Good, he's feeling better. I approach them and they both greet me happily. 

"Hey Orion, how'd your Trial go? Mine was shocking" Avalon says with a chuckle. 

"Making puns at a time like this?" I reply, letting off a laugh. Avalon does the same and Cameo lets off a big smile. We sit there for a few moments, before I hear the booming voice again. 

"Hello, Potentials! It is finally time for your very last Trial" He says, the voice echoing around the room. "This last Trial will truly test everything you know about you, and especially your instincts. You will be paired up, and put into a room. The rest, you will find upon arrival" The voice says. My heart begins to race. This is the final Trial. The final road block. "Your partner will be the person who was with you in the car with you. They have been with you the entire time. Good luck Potentials" His voice finally finishes and leaves the room silent. 

I'm with Avalon. Perfect. 

"You two are going to make a great duo. Use your strengths to your advantages. And remember, your new power isn't entirely who you are" Cameo tells us with a final nod. There's a set of big metal doors at the end of the room. The same lady who assisted me in the second Trial is standing there, with a clipboard again. She begins to speak. 

"My name is Meredith, and I am here today to assist with the Trials. For the final one, I will read your names off and you will come up here with me. Stay smart, stay strong" She finishes with a nod before looking at her clipboard, reading off the first duo. 

"Avalon Atlas and Orion Fallon" I can feel my blood go cold. We are first. 

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