The Rogue Organization // Chapter 26

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I let out a subtle sigh of relief, happy that Ace was back under control. Spade is thrown at the side, still tied up to the chair, wearing the same white gloves that Miles put on Ace. Ace is there, grunting in anger and probably in pain, as well look at him. He's suffering and in pain, but I'm sure Ciara could easily heal his wounds. But that idea lingers in my thoughts, realizing that Miles can use that as an upper hand advantage towards the Twins. Let them be healed if they hand over information on what they're doing, and why they attacked our base a few weeks ago, and ultimately killed Clint.

"Now, listen here Ace and Spade" Miles spit out, hearing the frustration in his voice. "Tell us why you attacked the base and killed Clint, and what you were doing in the abandoned bank, or I'm going to let you die here slowly from blood loss" He finished, not having any remorse in his tone.

I can see the pain in Ace's eyes, wanting the pain to go away from the fighting, but his eyes burned with fire. There was no way he was going to let any information spill.

"I'd rather die" Ace said, coughing out the words. "Spade agrees, we can't betray our side" He says, realizing he let something slip.

"So, you've got more people working with you" Miles said, acting as this was normal. "Are you guys seriously back at it again?! And for what cost?" He yells at Ace. Miles is beyond angry. "Clint is dead because of you fools, all because of your old foolish plan?" He spits out, and turns our way, pushing past us to leave the room.

I thought we should follow his lead, but Avalon had a different idea. He walked over to Spade and pulled her up, fixing the chair so it sat upright. He bent down, and directly looked at her in her eyes. He clenched his fists, and I could feel the anger from him. Why was he so mad?"

"Listen up, do you want your brother to die? Cause if not, you should talk fast, or next up he's going bleed out" He says, his voice shockingly cold. A side of him I didn't think I would see. I'm not sure what fueled him, but I'm guessing he's just very frustrated about the entire situation.

Spade looks more hurt than Ace, but on the emotional side. She speaks for the first time since I've seen her. Her voice is quiet, but powerful. "Tell them Ace"

Ace grunts another time, trying to wiggle his way out of the hold he's in, but with a sigh of defeat he begins to spill the information. "We're looking for the flashdrive your silly corporation is hiding" He said, then biting his tongue, refusing to say anything further.

"Obviously" Amalia said, stepping in a little. Her voice more natural and persuasive. "You killed Clint looking for it. However, what is on the flashdrive?"

Ace grunts again, refusing to say anything. For some reason, for the life of him he refuses to say anything. Amalia turns on her heels, and walks out the door, upset that she couldn't get any further information out. Avalon follows suit, giving Ace a hard, cold glare before leaving. I turn to follow, but Ace starts to mumble.

"You all are in danger" He manages to get out, and I turn and walk towards him.

"What?" I ask, curious but treading carefully. I don't want to be pulled into any traps.

"The storm is brewing" He says, and then his eyes close shut, probably from exhaustion and blood loss. I analyze the words, not knowing what to even think. I turn around and leave, and try and find someone immediately.


"Of course he said that" Cameo tells me. We're sitting in the cafeteria. and I told him what Ace told me. I found him, as he's the current leader of Corp 4, and he should know first. "They're all talk, but nothing that we can't handle" He tells me, but his word choices confuse me.

"Everyone keeps saying 'they're not a threat' but why use that word? Is there more of them, like Ace and Spade?" I ask, confused.

Cameo lets out a sigh, I'd guess from the stress about this situation. "Before your Class 8, there was Class 7, and then Class 6, and so on." He tells me. It does all make sense. "Each Class has the respective number of Potentials in it, so for example your Class has 8, as there are 8 Potentials we chose." He says and I nod, following the words he's telling me.

"Believe it or not, I was in a Class a while back. Class 6, was mine. It consisted of me, my twin Ciara, Miles, Ace, Spade and an old friend" he tells me. "We were all tight knit together, really close friends. Until the day my old friend had a change of heart" He says, and I can hear the pain in his voice. This situation has really hurt him, his eyes linger in thought for a moment before continuing again.

"This old friend, worked with Ace and Spade, and tried to overthrow the current Corp 4. Clint was still owner, so he defeated the 3 of them easily and they abandoned the organization for a group of their own. And it looks like they're back in action. First killing Clint in revenge, and now after the rest of us" He says, now his voice filling with anger.

"I know it's a lot, and I apologize for spilling all of this information at once, but it's needed to be said. My old friend, Ace and Spade failed a few years ago to overthrow the organization, but it looks like they're back stronger than ever. And we've got to be ready" Cameo says, and I analyze all the information the best I can.

Ace and Spade are part of a rogue organization, trying to overthrow the current Corp 4. We've got to stop them at any cost.

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