Visitors // Chapter 15

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I could still feel the strong tension in the air when Clint directed us towards the room he was in previously, with the glass walls. I mean, Avalon just asked him a question. Why would he be so upset about it? Cameo remained silent, and Miles seem very pleased that someone was actually going against Clint in a way. We all stepped into the room with the glass walls, and take a seat at the larger conference table located there. 

Clint sat across from us, our backs to the glass wall, He cleared his throat and rested his hands on the table. "Alright, Class 8, ask me anything"

We remained silent for a few moments, but Avalon started the conversation. "I think we're just all confused. Now look, yesterday we were taken from our homes, learned we could use elemental powers, completed 3 near death Trials, taken here and thrown into training. I don't know if you expected us to just be here all happy and not questioning anything, but I want answers. So, why are we being trained in the first place?" He finished with that lingering question, and I could tell Clint was processing it all. I glance over at Cameo and his eyes meet mine directly. His eyes are softened and he gives me a very subtle nod. I think he's trying to tell me something, but I can't tell what. 

"There are some people in this world, who use powers like yours, for the bad" Clint begins, and clears his throat. "Here at Corp 4, we are protectors, of New Chicago basically. We're training you to be able to protect the city from any people who are using powers like yours for the bad" He finishes. 

"So, we're like super heroes?" Evan spits out and lets out a chuckle. "That's lame"

"No, not at all" Clint says and lets off a small smile. "The world doesn't know that people like you can actually possess powers.  That's why we're here, in an abandoned place doing this training. The world doesn't know about any of this, and we'd like to keep it that way for as long as possible. We don't want to be seen as threats." 

I mean, that part makes sense. We're in a very secluded area, training so that the world doesn't know about us. I can roll with that. But there's still a lot more things that don't add up. 

"You mentioned that there's people that use our powers for the bad," Maia begins, looking for true answers. "and that we need to protect New Chicago. But protect it from who, and what is New Chicago protecting?" I see Miles let off a small smirk behind Clint. 

"Nothing, it's just that there's some people who aren't liking the fact that we're using our powers for the good. That's all" Clint says, and Miles adjusts his position. 

"I've been through some crazy stuff in high school" Arin starts, "so I know for a fact that when someone quickly finishes a sentence with 'that's all', you're hiding something. Look, I think it's only fair that we get told the truth, we're working for you after all" She finishes, and I can tell Clint didn't like that response. 

"Hey boss, I think you should tell them. Arin has a point, gotta be honest with the newbies here" Miles says and it seems to set Clint off edge. 

He stands up, and slams his hands on the table. "That's enough Miles, I haven't lied once, and I've told them everything"

Before any of us could continue, the glass walls shatters behind us and Clint is thrown back against the wall behind him. He slumps to the ground and I see blood emerging from his chest. Cameo and Miles spring into action and run out the door as we turn around in our seats to see two people out in the training grounds. One male, holding some sort of gun at his side, and the other female, both dressed in black jackets and wear some sort of long scarf. 

"What just happened!" Evan yells and Maia rushes over to Clint's side. Behind us, Cameo and Miles are fighting these 2 strangers, all 4 of them moving rapidly. 

"Zoe! Assess Clint's condition" Maia yells and Zoe hovers over Clint's body and a blue light emerges, scanning him 

"He's in critical condition, shot wound to the chest. External and internal bleeding" She says and rushes over to the window. "You all need to stay here, let Miles and Cameo take care of them" she says in her robotic voice. 

"What do we do about Clint!" Amalia yells and keels next to Clint. "He's losing blood rapidly!"

"Orion" Avalon whispers to me, as Zoe zooms back over to Clint's side. Evan, Arin, Jack and Reyna are all half hiding, and by Clint's side. "Cameo can save him, he has some sort of healing power. That's why I recovered so fast" He tells me in a soft whisper. Outside, Cameo uses an arm shield of some sort as his weapon, while Miles holds a long, metallic broadsword of sorts, every slash that hits small rocks fly off of it. The stranger's powers are still unknown, as they're mostly avoiding attacks. 

"We've got to help" Avalon says and I give him a small nod. We both stand and run towards the exit, and I hear someone yell behind us. I look back to see Zoe blocking the door so the others can't escape. We rush towards the tables and find our weapons again. I grasp my rapier and run after Avalon, who is sprinting ahead towards the fight. 

Miles sees us approaching and stabs his sword into the ground. As he does, a stone wall pops up in front of his, making us stop. "Stay out of this!" I hear him yell. 

We rush to one side of the wall and go around it to see all 4 of them stopped and facing each other in battle position. Cameo and Miles are winded, while the other two are standing calm as can be. The male flips the strange gun in his hand and points it at Cameo and Miles, while the woman throws up her hand and a purple light emerges from it, and Miles and Cameo start to float in the air. 

"Don't you even think about it you cowards" Miles says and I can see him struggling but he's unable to move. 

The 2 strangers haven't noticed us yet, and we half hide around Miles rock wall he made. The man flips his gun again and keeps it aimed at Miles and Cameo. 

'I'll ask one more time, where is the flash drive?" He says in his scarce voice. 

"We've already told you Ace, it's not here" Cameo says calmly. "Now, put us down before you make the wrong mistake" 

"Where else would it be then?" The male called Ace replies with a smirk, "If not here, then where?" 

Cameo struggles and we make eye contact briefly again and throws his head towards the girl standing there, and then begins to struggle again. We need to stop the girl. 

"Avalon, nock an arrow, and aim it at the girl's feet" I tell him and he slowly nocks one in agreement.

"You would know if you wouldn't have shot Clint you cowards" Miles says and tries to break free, but the purple aura surrounding him is preventing him from moving. 

"Fair enough, might as well kill them too" Ace says and his finger tightens around the trigger. "Spade, bring them closer" He says to the girl next to him. Her hand tightens into a fist and Cameo and Miles are brought closer to Ace, and are now shoulder to shoulder. "You should have thought about telling me the truth, but now it looks like you'll all die now too" He says with a smirk. 

"Avalon, now!" I say fast and the arrow zooms past me and strikes the ground in front of the girl. A bright white flash appears and Cameo, Miles, Ace and Spade are all thrown backwards hitting the ground. 

I rush towards Cameo's side and Avalon kneels next to Miles. "Well, that was unexpected" Ace says as he stands up and brushes off his pants. He glances at me and I make direct eye contact with him. His bold black eyes glare into mine and he begins to run towards the exit, and Spade follows closely behind him. 

Whatever that was, wasn't part of the training. 

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