I Can Wait Forever

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Title: I Can Wait Forever

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Title: I Can Wait Forever

Square Filled: Lingerie

Ship: Solider!Dean Winchester x Arabella "Bella" Winchester

Rating: E for Explicit


Another day without you with me
Is like a blade that cuts right through me
But I can wait
I can wait forever
When you call my heart stops beating
When you're gone it wont stop bleeding
But I can wait
I can wait forever
~ Simple Plan

It had been 356 days, 2 hours and 21 minutes since the last time she had seen him, she realized as she looked over the days in her planner. She bit her lip and marked off the last day.

For the first few years, being a military wife had been without incident. She and her husband, Dean, worked on base at the infirmary. They'd met in college where she was studying to be a nurse and he was becoming a paramedic. They'd quickly hit it off, bonding over their mutual love of classic rock and cars. It seemed like before she knew it, they were engaged, then married and then had moved into a house on base together. Dean's unit had been called to serve in Iraq at first for six months, then it was extended to a year which had been crushing for her. She missed him terribly and incessantly worried about him. But finally, FINALLY tomorrow, he'd be back in her arms once more.

She barely slept the night before, feeling like a kid on Christmas morning. She got up an hour before her alarm, made breakfast and coffee by herself for the last time. She checked on the meals, mostly his favorites, she had pre-made. When she was satisfied that everything was in order, she took a shower, scrubbing and shaving down everything. She took extra care when blow drying and flat ironing her hair and putting her makeup on. He had always said she looked better without it, but she knew he loved the way red lipstick looked on her. When she was ready, she grabbed her over night bag. They would stay his first night back at a hotel close to base, then would come home the next day. She drove Dean's 1967 Impala, following behind her in-laws, whom she wouldn't have made it through this deployment without.

As soon as they hopped out of their respective vehicles, Sam, Dean's younger brother, was by her side. Dean had personally asked Sam to take care of her while he was gone. Sam felt a strong, brotherly affection toward his sister-in-law. She had been strong through the entire deployment, but some days, like holidays and birthdays were hard on her without her husband. Sam and his Dad, John, has been around to help her when her washing machine leaked and flooded the laundry room with suds and water. They had been there when her water heater went out and had even helped her keep Dean's car in mint condition for him while he was gone.

"You ready?" Sam asked as he wrapped her into a big bear hug.

"Yes, as ready as I can be." She said with a huge smile on her face. Arabella, or Bella as she preferred to be called, was a small girl, she barely came up to Sam's chest. With long, auburn and blonde hair, piercing blue eyes and a spit fire attitude, the entire family had quickly fallen in love with her, just as Dean had. She was wearing jeans tucked into a pair of boots with a t-shirt that read "Dean's Girl" on the front and "Winchester 2" on the back. John, his wife Mary, and Sam all filed into the gym where the soldiers would be released to their families in precisely forty five minutes.

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