One More Night

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Square Filled: Impala Sex

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Square Filled: Impala Sex

Rating: E for Explicit

Tags: SMUT, Impala Sex, takes place during the Season 5 episode "Abandon All Hope", unbeta'd, all mistakes are mine, pics are not.


Dean leaned against thetrunk of the Impala, taking a long pull from his beer. He'd struckout with Jo, who he thought was a sure bet, but turns out she had thehots for another hunter, Stephen. He'd resigned to the fact thatgetting laid was probably not on the list for him tonight, so heretreated outside to gaze up at the stars with his beloved car.

"You and me Baby."he said and tipped his bottle to her.

He heard the screendoor open and saw a small figure approaching him. In the streetlight, she seemed to materialize out of the darkness, it wasCharlotte, Stephen's sister. With a smile and a whiskey in her hand,she greeted him with a grin.

"What're you doingout here all by yourself?" she asked as she walked closer to him.

"Just spending sometime with my best girl." he said, glancing at the car with a fondsmile.

Charlotte had knownDean as long as she could remember, she may have been in pigtailswhen they first met, but she knew how much that car meant to him.

"I was just coming tocheck on you, but if you wanna be alone." she trailed off.

"No," he said as hesmiled at her "I don't mind the company, really."

She walked over to himand stood beside him and they both looked upward, the stars shiningdown on them like Christmas lights. They didn't talk for a long time,just admiring the view, when Charlotte broke the silence.

"Guess it's not sobad, being out in the middle of no where." she said "Where elsecan you get a view like this?"

Dean nodded inagreement and then looked down at Charlotte. Shorter than he was, shehad a slightly crooked smile, strawberry blonde hair that was pulledback into a ponytail and was wearing a button down flannel shirt,ripped jeans and boots. He's be lying if he said he hadn't thoughtabout being with her, but she felt out of his league.

"Strike out with Jo?"she asked and looked up at him.

"Ah, you saw that?"he asked

She shook her head

"Nah, intuition,"she said "and I saw her leave with my brother."

Dean raised hiseyebrows and said

"Figures." in anangry tone.

"She's interested inyou," Charlotte said "I just think she wants more than a one timedeal, and you know Stephen, the starry eyed dreamer."

"No wonder he and Samget along so well." Dean snorted and Charlotte laughed, which wasmusic to Dean's ears, he loved making her laugh.

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