Double the Fun: Part 5

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Square Filled: Bukkake

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Square Filled: Bukkake

Rating: E for Explicit

Tags: SMUT, non-con roleplay, threesome (no J2 action), fluff, angst (SO MUCH angst), non con role play, miscarriage, loss of pregnancy, pregnant ofc.


I mindlessly washeddishes, completely zoned out as the world around me seemed to fade. Itook a deep sigh and let out a breath as I felt a presence behind me.I turned my head and with surprising efficiency, he snapped my armsbehind my back and bent me over the counter as I cried out insurprise.

"Home all alone?"he purred, using his size advantage to hold my torso against thecounter. I tried to squirm away but he held tightly to me.

"You better let mego!" I yelled "My husband will be home any second and he's goingto kick your ass if he finds you all over me!"

"IF," he growled ashe bit the outer shell of my ear and I cried out "IF he finds me,which he won't."

I shook withanticipation, I knew I was supposed to be afraid, but him in my earwith his baritone voice was enough to make me drop my fear andreplace it with arousal. He quickly snapped the handcuffs on mywrists and spun me around. Jared's hazel eyes burned into my blueones as he heatedly kissed me. I wasn't supposed to like this, but Icouldn't help myself. I sucked his lower lip into my mouth and bitdown, making him cry out in surprise.

"Mh, looks like youhave a set of claws on you little lady," he growled and yanked meby the arm up the stairs and to my bedroom "let's see if we can'tfuck some obedience into you."

"We?" I asked

"You think I came todo this job alone?" he asked and tutted at me "Where's the fun inthat?"

My door opened andthere was Jensen, staring me down. The intensity in his eyes wasalmost enough to make me cum in the shorts I was wearing.

"There we go,"Jensen purred as he held the door open for Jared to drag me throughit "tied up like a present."

"She thinks herhusband is going to catch us." Jared sneered as he pushed me ontothe bed where I landed on my back.

Jensen chuckled andsaid "Nobody's gonna catch us sweetheart." as he pulled a knifefrom his back pocket and picked up the hem of my shirt, slicing itopen and exposing my bare chest and torso to them. "Hm, and nobra?" Jensen asked

"Like she's beggingfor us." Jared said as he got behind me and yanked me up into asitting position. Jensen knelled in front of me, peppering my chestwith rough kisses, his beard deliciously scratching my skin as hedragged his tongue along my skin. I tried to fight, to squirm awayfrom him, but Jared held me tightly. "The more you fight us, themore we like it." he said as he bit the outer shell of my ear againand I let a moan escape my lips. Jensen let out a chuckle.

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