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Square Filled: Spanking

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Square Filled: Spanking

Rating: E for Explicit

Tags: Lucille help me, I need it after this. We got spanking (with a hand and a belt), Daddy!Kink, BabyGirl!Kink, orgasm denial, fluffy after care, Dean being a sweetheart, not a plot in sight, all porn. Unbeta'd, all mistakes are mine, pics are not!


 Hands down, ass in theair.

"Youknow why you're here," he snarled in her ear "you were a very,VERY bad girl."

"YesDaddy." She answered.

"TellDaddy what you did." Dean said as he snapped the belt in his hands.

"Flirtedwith the cop." She said "And flashed him a little leg."

"Andyou know better than to show off what's mine, don't you?" Heasked

"YesDaddy," she answered "I know better."

"Nowyou'll be punished," he said "with my belt."

"YesDaddy," she answered again "I deserve it."

The cool leathersmoothed across her bare ass as he prepared to swat her. He kneadedher flesh and then struck one blow across her backside. He watched asher skin turned the most delicious shade of pink, a thick stripe justthe width of his belt welting up. He struck another blow and thendropped the belt.

"Donot." He said as he bit down on her neck "Do that." He kissedbelow her ear and down her jaw, turning her head "Ever again."

"Nosir." she responded. Even though it had been for the good of thecase, the officer had proved to be uncooperative with Dean, so shetook matters into her own hands, giving the cop a little lightflirting and even showing off a little bit of her legs and cleavagefor him to get the information they needed, she also knew she wasplaying with fire. Dean was a jealous man and he didn't want anyonegetting it in their head that they could have her when she was withhim. No way, no how.

"Youknow how much I love spanking you baby," he cooed in her ear "yourass turns the most delicious shade of pink, but I HATE when you makeme jealous."

"I'msorry Daddy," she whines against him "I thought I was helping."

"Youcan help by not flashing what's mine in front of some idiot." Hesaid, his tone fierce "I don't share, do I?"

"Nosir," she said automatically "Daddy doesn't share."

Dean knew deep downthat she'd never betray him like that, but seeing someone droolover her body like she was a piece of meat made him angrier than hethought it would. She was more than just a looker; she was smart,quick witted, funny and so many other adjectives, his brain wouldbegin to swim if he tried to list how highly he thought of her. Hewhirled her around, her skirt bunched up around her waist and herpanties down around her ankles. He took her face in his hands andkissed her, his tongue melding with hers as he claimed her mouth. Hequickly brought his palm down across her already striped backside,she cried out against his mouth as he slapped her other butt cheek,making her cry out again. He kneaded the warm skin of her ass withboth hands, feeling the welts from his belt and his hands flare up.He pushed inside her, spreading her legs wide. He gripped her behindher knees and bucked his hips harshly into her. He knew when she wasabout to come, the tell tale signs of clamping down on him, her highpitched whines, he almost felt bad for pulling out at the lastsecond.

"DEAN!"She cried in frustration.

"You'rebad girl." He said as he pulled back from her, looking her up anddown. Her eyes were lust blown and she was squirming under his touch."Do bad girls get to come?"

"Nosir." She said, shaking her head "Only good girls get to come."

"Youbetter not come until I tell you," he warned "or it'll beworse. Do you understand?"

"YesDaddy!" She yelled s he plunged back into her. He fucked her hardand raw, his hands clawing at her clothes and skin as she fought forcontrol of her body. Every stroke of his cock, every grunt, everysmack across her abused ass made her scream and want to come. Sheheld tightly to her concentration as he smacked his hand across herred ass and she let out a primal cry.

"Youwant something baby?" He asked

"Come,"she struggled to say "please! I wanna come!"

"Tellme who you come for." He said

"Justyou, only you!" She cried and he smacked a hand across her assagain.

"Louder."He commanded

"Onlyyou!" She yelled and he smacked her ass.

"LOUDER."He snarled.

"ONLYYOU DADDY! I only come for you!" She screamed as the dam in herlower belly became too much for her told hold. "Daddy please!"

"Pleasewhat?" He asked as he held her face in his hands.

"Pleaselet me come, please!" She begged, tears rolling down her cheeks"I'll be a good girl, please Daddy, I'll be so good for you!"

"You'dbetter be." He said and wrapped her into his arms "Come for me,now."

She screamed into hischest as she came, her cry sent him over the edge as he emptied intoher belly, painting her walls white as he grunted, finishing deepinside her.

"Daddy,"she moaned "oh Daddy, Daddy!"

"Shhhh,"He soothed "it's okay baby, you did so well." He said as hesmoothed her hair out of her face "Are you okay baby? Was that toomuch?"

She shook her head,meaning no.

"I'mhurting," she whined "god that belt hurt."

"I'mso sorry sweetness," he said "why didn't you say anything?"

"Ididn't want to disappoint you." She told him, looking down. Hetutted and said

"Baby,I'll never be mad if you use your safe word," as he pushed herhair out of her eyes "I won't known unless you tell mesweetheart."

"Butyou were, and I was," she trailed off and he gently kissed her lipsand forehead.

"No,no, no." He said and pulled her close. He picked her up and carriedher over to the bed where he laid her down. He stripped her of herclothes and then said "I'm gonna go get a bath ready for youokay?"

"But,"She said and he held up a hand.

"No."He said "it's my job to take care of you, let me do my job.Please."

He words were more of aplea than a request, she could read it in his expression, which wasetched with pain. She nodded and he disappeared into the bathroom.When he came back, he was down to his boxers and offered her hishand. They slid into the warm, lavender scented water together as hesat behind her in the tub. The water both stung and soothed her backside as she sat down and he began to rub her shoulders.

"Whydidn't you use your safe word?" He asked as he rubbed soap intoher back.

"Ijust wanted to make you happy." She told him. He pulled herbackwards, her back against his chest and he turned her face up tohis.

"Whatmakes me happy is when you're happy and comfortable." He saidgently "you make me happy and I don't want you to be hurt oruncomfortable ever."

"I'msorry," she said "I'm just new to all this."

"Iknow," he said in the same gentle tone "this is why you have me.I'm not just your Daddy okay? It's my job to protect you and makesure you're okay. I don't know if it's too much if you don'tcommunicate with me."

"Iliked it," she told him "it just really hurt."

"Youhave to tell me," he said "I'm not a mind reader."

She nodded and theykissed.

After the bath, he hadher lay on her front while he put lotion on her backside to soothewhere he'd struck her. After that, they put their pajamas on and heheld her closely.

"Youdid really well," he praised "but please, next time, if somethingis too much, you need to say something okay? I'll never be madabout that. Not ever."

She nodded and theytenderly kissed.

"Iwill, I promise." She told him.

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