Double the Fun: Part 3

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Title: Double the Fun: Part 3

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Title: Double the Fun: Part 3

Links: AO3 & WattPad

Square Filled: Dom/ sub

Rating: E for Explicit

Tags: choking, SMUT, oral (male and female receiving) dom/ sub dynamics, polyamory, threesome(ish) no J2 action, Dom!Jensen, Sub!OFC. This is all porn, damn near no plot. Unbeta'd, all mistakes are mine, pics are not. This is a work of FICTION and doesn't mean any disrespect to Gen or Danneel.


Jensenopened the door for me and followed behind me, placing his hand onthe small of my back.

"Whythank you." I said with a smile as he kissed my temple.

Withbeers in had, we walked over the fire pit where Jared was waiting forus. It was a balmy night in Texas, perfect weather for a cookout anda fire, which is exactly what we had decided to do. I handed Jaredhis drink as he thanked me and kissed me.

Ithad been more than four months since we'd started our relationshipand it felt like a dream since everything had been going so smoothly.It felt like we had fallen into an easy routine after the guys hadasked me to move in two weeks ago.

"You'rehere more often than you're at your apartment anyway." Jensen hadpointed out.

Inthe present, I sat back down in my seat between the two men, my backagainst Jensen's shoulder and my legs in Jared's lap as we talked.One thin I felt that we had as our advantage was that we allgenuinely enjoyed each other's company. It didn't matter if we wereout and about or at home, we just liked to be around one another.

"What'ssomething you've always wanted to try?" Jared asked me.

"Ingeneral or in the bedroom?" I asked and they both laughed.

"Yes."Jared answered.

Jensenplayfully raised his hand and said

"Iknow this one."

"Lether answer." Jared said.

Iblushed hard and said

"Outsidethe bedroom, scuba diving, inside the bedroom it's the dom thing."

"Youtwo never did that?" Jared asked, looking surprised.

Jensenshook his head

"I'vedominated her plenty of times," he said "she wants to try beingthe dominate one."

Jaredraised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Soshe's a sub?" Jared asked and Jensen nodded.

"She'sa good girl," he said, smiling at me fondly "aren't you?"

Hiswords shot straight to my core and I eagerly nodded.

"Yessir." I answered, practically rattling with anticipation.

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