Chapter one- Holographic coffee

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Magnus woke up because of the best smell in the world: Coffee. Truly, all the magic potions did nothing compared to Coffee. It really should be a holy liquid, Magnus thought. "Hey Mags.", Alec said as he kissed him, "Have you slept good?" Magnus nodded. "Did you make breakfast?", he asked. "Sure.", Alec said. Alec was always the one who woke up early and made breakfast. Magnus really enjoyed it. "Great. Because, I have something to tell you.", Magnus answered. Alec's face turned concerned: "Are you alright?" Magnus smiled. It was too cute how worried Alec was about Magnus. Instead of an answer, Magnus kissed him. Then he stood up, showered, put on a robe and some makeup. The robe was one of his favorites. Jade green. Covered in golden glitter. Stunning. It really was the literal definition of stunning. And what made it even more stunning was that his absolutely stunning boyfriend gifted it to him. Stunning, told you. Magnus smiled as he entered the kitchen. There was a lot of bread, jam, honey and cheese. And coffee. A huge, glittery mug of coffee. With actual holographic flakes in it. Holographic coffee. There isn't anything better. "So, what is it?", Alec said. Magnus took a piece of bread, poured some honey onto it and took a bite: "Almost as sweet as you, Alexander.", he mumbled. Alec rolled his eyes, laughing. As Magnus took another bite and took a sip of his holographic coffee, which tasted amazing, he started: "You know, Life has been busy the past few centuries." Alec's eyebrows rose so high that the almost touched his hairline:" Can't relate.", he said. "No, truly, since we are dating, we were only in New York. Isn't that boring?", he asked as suddenly a big fat cat jumped onto his knees. "A wonderful morning, Chairman Meow, isn't it?", Magnus said, stroking his soft silky fur. Alec grinned and got up to get some cat treats. As he opened the tin to give some of them to Chairman Meow, it was like an apocalypse of cats darting into the kitchens. It was many cats. Different cats. Big ones, small ones, old ones, young ones, fat ones, skinny ones, mutilated ones, pretty ones, red ones, white ones, gray ones, brown ones, black ones, patterned ones, all different kinds of cats. Alec laughed, as a little red cat jumped onto the table and put her face into the tin to block the treats from the others. "Stop it, Biscuit.", Alec laughed and grabbed her off the table. Biscuit was named after Clary because the cat was so tiny but so powerful and a little aggressive from time to time. And, its fur was read. As Magnus and Alec distributed the treats equally to all the cats, they continued talking. "So, what are you trying to tell me?", Alec asked. "I'm trying to tell you that we need to go on vacation.", Magnus answered with a smile. "Mags, you know I can't leave the institute at the moments. There were these vampire attacks at Jade wolf and Hunters moon, I need to arrange these things, like a diplomat, you know." Magnus smiled even harder. He knew Alec would say that, so he prepared: "I know. But it's too late. I already have the tickets. And the hotel." "You are kidding me." "No, I'm not!", Magnus laughed out," Not at all. I mean, look. I booked two weeks Dubai. It's only two weeks." "Only two weeks? Only?!?! I can't leave the institute for so long!" "Well, you will have to. We have five hours left until we need to head over to the airport." "Wait, What?! The Institute, the house, the cats!", Alec was totally confused. "I already managed everything. Underhill will take over the institute for those two weeks. And Clary, Jace, Isabelle, Simon, Luke and Maia are going to watch out for the cats.", Magnus explained, trying to cool down his boyfriend. Alec scratched his forehead. "Those are six people. We have sixteen cats." "Exactly", Magnus nodded, "And we are two. And the cats still sixteen. Come on, if we can manage that, they can too." Alec's eyebrows shot up again. "Well, if you think so we need to get to packing, I guess." Alec was still confused as he grabbed his suitcase and started throwing some clothes in. He didn't need much, so he ended up with a small suitcase and a backpack. As he was finished, he went to the bathroom to see what Magnus was doing there. "Green, Blue, Purple or Gold?", he asked. "What?" "Which one of the colors you like the least?" "Uhm, green I would say.", Alec said. That was not true, usually he would say purple but he guessed that wasn't what Magnus would've answered. Magnus smiled. "Great, then I'll take the other ones."; he said. "What are you even talking about?", Alec asked. "I couldn't decide which colors of glitter hair gel I should bring with me." Alec smiled. That was Magnus. Then he saw a small suitcase next to the bin. "What's in there?", he asked. "Makeup. And hair stuff. And bath stuff. And other hygienic stuff." Alec laughed:" You need a whole suitcase for Makeup?", he asked in disbelief. "I know It won't be that easy to convince you to a vacation again, so I want to look fabulous.", he said. "You always look fabulous.", Alec said and kissed Magnus. The kiss was intense, full of emotion. Alec felt Magnus' tongue in his mouth so he pulled his tongue forwards. The kisses got more intense, Alec started stroking Magnus' spiky hair. He felt the gel on his hands. Then he felt Magnus warm hand pulling up Alec's shirt and stroking his bare back. Magnus started pushing Alec out of the bathroom. Alec's kisses went down to Magnus' cheek, his jaw, his chin down to his neck. Magnus took Alec's shirt off and pushed him onto the bed. Alec giggled. Then they moved on kissing, Magnus was now stroking Alec's belly, covered in har muscles. He felt how they tightened as he put his hand on them. Alec's skin was soft, covered in little scars. He had a lot of these scars, thin, silvery lines decorating his body. Some of them were because of injuries, but most of them were remains of old runes. Some people might say that those scared made people ugly, but in Magnus' opinion, they didn't. They made Alec perfect. Alec's kisses got harder, his eyes turned dark blue like a midnight sky in summer. His dark lashed stroke Magnus jaw. "I love you, Alexander.", he said. "I love you too."

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