Chapter nine-That escalated quickly

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Will showed them how to build up their tents. One tent was for Will, the other, bigger one was for Alec and Magnus. The top third of it was transparent, so they could see the stars at night lying in their tent. "You'll be amazed.", Will promised, "The stars look a million times brighter than in the city or even in a village. In the big cities, there are lots of other lights which make the night lighter, so the stars don't look too bright. Here, there are no other lights." Magnus smiled. "Are there any animals which come out at night and we should be scared of?", he asked, sending a grateful view to Alec. 'Not that I would need to be scared of anything when I'm with Alec', he thought. 'Well, apart from losing my mind.' "No, not really.", Will answered. Then, Magnus felt a cool breeze. The heat has been enormous, and it was still about twenty degrees Celsius, but that was almost cold compared to the day. The cool air refreshed his lungs, tickled on his face. The camel he was riding was calm, it waited with the other camels. Will, Alec and Magnus had some water and some food, then they got into their tent. "Good night, and feel free to wake me up if you need something.", Will said. Alec and Magnus just nodded, and wished their guide a pleasant night too. Alec laid down next to Magnus. He expected the ground to be hard and uncomfortable, but it was pretty cozy. He felt Magnus' warmth next to him. The sky was ink-blue and really dark, the stars were bright. "Wow, I've never seen something like this.", Magnus said. It was really beautiful. As Alec turned his head to the side, he looked right into Magnus' cat-eyes. And those eyes got closer and closer. Then, he felt Magnus' lips on his. The kiss was soft, elegant, calm, relaxing. Alec started to sweat. Magnus took off his shirt, Alec did too. Then, Magnus wrapped his arms around Alec and pulled him even closer. Alec moaned quietly. Then Magnus' smiled:" You sound good, Alexander." "And you feel good."

"We did it!", Maia said, proudly throwing away her blanket. The flat was clean again. "Well, I would say that's a real reason to throw a party.", Jace answered. Izzy and Simon entered the room with drinks:" Guys, let's celebrate!" Everyone took a glass. "For Malec!", Clary said. "For Malec!", everyone answered cheerfully. Of course, one drink wasn't enough. After some more drinks Izzy, Clary and Simon were completely tight. "Weeeeeee are the champions, my frienddddd!", Simon sang out, lifting Izzy. "And we will keep on fightiiiiiing, till the enddddddd.", Clary continued, "Maybe we should play a game.", she suggested. Jace laughed:" Clary, you're absolutely drunk. I would really suggest you to go to bed, or you'll regret anything else you otherwise might do tonight." "Oh, come on! Don't be such a buzzkill. Let's play truth or dare!" "Me? A buzzkill? Okay, let's play truth or dare, challenge accepted." But then Izzy had another idea:" No, let's play another game before that- truth or shot. One of us will ask the others a question, and if they don't want to answer the question, they have to take a shot." Luke laughed:" I guess this is going to be a funny night." Everyone sat down, Clary started: "Okay, uhm, where was the weirdest place you ever had sex?" Jace started laughing really hard, but Isabelle gave Clary a weird look. "What? I can ask that questions when we are playing without Alec!", she said. Now Jace was rolling on the floor, dying laughing. "He's not a virgin anymore, Clary.", Simon tried to explain as calm as possible, although he was laughing really hard, too. "Wait, why do you know more about the sexual life of my brother than I do?", Isabelle asked out in surprise. "Guys, stop it, otherwise Jace will die because of laughing.", Maia said. And it was kind true, Jace was rolling on the floor, gagging. When he finally calmed down a little, Simon gave him his glass filled with vodka:" Here. Take a sip." Now it was Clary to laugh. Jace drunk the glass in one go, his facial expression was really funny afterwards. "If you're wondering- I'm fine by the way. Just dead on the inside, but hey, I can deal with that.", he said. Now even Luke started crying because of laughter. As everyone finished laughing, Clary tried to get back to the topic:" Guys! You still have to answer my question!" Isabelle took a sip, shooting a warning gaze in Simon's direction whose face turned red. He drank too. Clary looked at Luke. "I would tell you, but I can't do that to Jocelyn.", he said and drank. Clarys jaw dropped:" I want details!" "No you don't. Trust me, you don't.", Luke answered. "Tea.", Jace added, "By the way- cleaning room of the institute. Or, maybe on a park bench. You decide what's weirder to you." Now Isabelle's jaw dropped:" That's why one day, all the cleanser was spilled over the floor" Jace grinned:" Kaelies booty is quite unpredictable." "I needed to clean that mess up, you could have helped me!" "No, I couldn't! You know, the cleaning cart isn't too comfortable." "Park bench.", Maia interrupted. "Wait what? Jace? Maia? Oh my god, wait."; Clary started but Simons scream interrupted her:" Gossip alarm! Gossip alarm!", he stood up and began to run in a circle screaming:" This is an official warning! Gossip alarm!" Maia just continued:" My question is- did you had real feelings for anyone in this room?" "Jace.", Clary said. Simon and Izzy called each other's names. "Clary. Paternal, of course.", Luke answered. Everyone looked at Jace. "What? Yes, for myself.", he answered. Clary jumped off the floor furiously. "You are such an idiot!", she screamed and threw the empty bottle of gin. Jace's reflexes weren't fast enough, the bottle hit his stomach and shattered. "We really need to work on your targeting.", he said. Clary screamed out and wanted to run towards Jace to beat him up, but the others stopped her and locked her in the bedroom. And Jace in the other one. Luke and Maia decided to go home but Izzy and Simon stayed on the couch. "Do you think it would have escalated?", Isabelle slurred. "Definitely.", Simon answered and fell asleep right away.

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