Chapter eleven- Censored

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The dinner has been great. Magnus and Alec were so full that they decided to leave out breakfast this morning. Instead, they chose to explore the upper part of the hotel- the bar, the disco... Alec and Magnus got into the elevator and pressed the button. As they arrived at the rooftop, they stepped out of the elevator and felt the cool wind. They stepped a little closer to the edge. Alec sighed:" Wow." The view was incredible. They could see the sea, the parks, the buildings, the pools, the desert... "Wow.", Magnus said, too. He turned his head to the side and watched Alec. His hair was still kind of messy and disarrayed, his eyes light blue, like the sea. He had long lashes, super long lashes, actually. And they were black as ink. The shadows under his eyes were almost gone, his skin seemed to shine from the inside- Magnus realized how big the impact of all the stress was. Alec has been constantly tired, down. Now, he looked a lot better, the vacation was a good idea. Magnus' gaze went down Alec's neck and stuck at the blockade rune- it was beautifully placed. There was something fascinating about runes, in his opinion, but also something scary. They were burnt into the skin. Alec wore a thin tank top so Magnus could see his hard muscles, covered by soft skin. He saw the other runes. They badged themselves from Alec's pale skin. When Magnus looked a little closer, he could see the scars. Some were scars of old injuries, some because of runes. They were thin silvery lines, in all shapes and sizes. Others may think they were imperfections but for Magnus, they were like letters. They told a life story. A life of endless war, fear but also passion and purpose. All of Alec's movements were smooth, elegant but also powerful. All the time, even if he wasn't on mission. "Walk normally.", Magnus told him once. Back then, Alec shrugged:" For me, that is normal. This is how I learnt walking." There was something special about Shadowhunters- they were born to be a soldier. Alec learnt fighting before he learnt reading. He was drawing runes instead of houses and smiling suns. "Shadowhunting is our only purpose- that's what we were trained to do.", Alec told him some months ago. "You are staring at me.", Alec said. "How couldn't I stare at something so beautiful, especially knowing it is mine?" Alec smiled, his perfect Alec- smile. He pulled Magnus close and gave him a little kiss on the nose tip. That became like a ritual. Once, Alec had a neck injury so it hurt him to bend down to kiss Magnus' lips, so he decided to kiss his nose instead. And Magnus enjoyed it. It tickled. "I know only one thing that is more magical than this view.", he whispered. "What is it?", Magnus asked. "Magnus Bane, high warlock of Brooklyn and the love of my life."

Isabelle woke up because of Simon's cough. They must have fallen asleep after the short romantical distraction. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up, but your head is pretty heavy. And your hair tickles." Now Isabelle realized she was lying on Simon's chest. Quickly, she moved away:" I know. It's because my brain is so big. ", she contradicted, grinning. "I don't think so." "I am smarter than you think." "I didn't assume that." "What did you mean, then?" "That the volume of the brain doesn't have an impact on your intelligence." "Stop being a nerd, Simon." "I know you love me." "I do.", she said, leaned forwards and kissed him on his chin. "You missed them.", he said. "Who?" "My lips." "Why do you think I wanted to kiss them? I think every part of your beautiful body should me equally treated." Simon giggled:" Who are you and what have you done to Izzy?" "Why do you think I'm not her?" "Izzy wouldn't do that. She would slap me in my face, tell me to shut my mouth and kiss her." "I like the Isabelle you're talking about." "Iz, stop it. That's getting weird." "What's ever not weird?", she countered. "That it is really weird watching you.", someone said from the other end of the room. Simon gasped and whirled around in Vampire speed. Jace leaned against the door, basically naked. "What the hell?", Simon asked, then he saw Jace was actually naked. "Why? I mean, ugh, can you please put something on?" Jace grinned. "This is disgusting."; Simon added. "Why are you allowed to have fun and we aren't?" "We didn't have fun...", Simon started but was interrupted by Jace:" First, I heard it. And second, you have a boner." Simon turned red and looked down on his penis- he was erected. And his underwear was wet with sperm:" Crap!", he cursed and darted to the bathroom. "Jace. Did you have to?", Isabelle complained. Her brother grinned: „It was pretty funny, you have to admit. It was gratifying, at some point" "Jace, this is pathetic." "Come on, I gave you almost four hours, that's quite an accomplishment for me." Isabelle rolled her eyes. "Jace, come back.", Clary muttered from the background. Now Jace rolled his eyes:" I'm coming.", he said," I'll just get the cats some food." They stepped into the kitchen, took the cat food out of the drawer. When they stepped into the cat room some cats were still sleeping but some were already playing with all the toys laying on the floor. Jace and Izzy distributed the food equally. Goldilocks, Pugna and some other cats were whirling between their feet:" You're getting in our way."; Isabelle sighed and slightly pushed Pugna. They decided to leave her and got to Jace. "No. Please no.", he sighed, but it was already too late- Goldilocks jumped onto Jace and hit him, well, somewhere. Jace groaned and jumped back. "Are you okay?", Isabelle asked. Jace crouched down and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and shook his head:" Boys problems.", he groaned. Isabelle tried to stop herself from laughing. "They are really persistent." Jace opened his eyes and looked up to her:" Are you serious right now?" Isabelle laughed. "This is insane.", Jace said, massaging his temples," They even seam to gloat. Like seriously, am I that horrible? Do I deserve that?" Isabelle's laughing got harder:" Honestly, no. But it's kind of gratifying." "You are a sadist, Iz!" Isabelle was still laughing. Anguished, Jace stood up:" Jesus, I am so glad you'll move in tomorrow and our week is almost over." "You'll still have to come here, otherwise we're screwed." Jace grinned:" Why do you think so?" "Well, then the cats will torture us." Jace grinned again:" Wow, this is really kind, dear sister." "Jace!", Clary screamed annoyed," I am waiting!" "Yeah, I'm sorry. We hat a little, ugh, painful accident. We'll continue tomorrow, babe.", he answered. "Guys! You are not alone in here. Howsoever, where is Simon?", Izzy asked. "Well, maybe he decided to drown in the toilet, like David tried to do." Isabelle giggled:" Why should he do that?" "Despair." Isabelle shook her head:" Jace, you are ridiculous." "I know, that makes me even more attractive."

Guys, this was a hella long chapter, I hope y'all enjoyed it! What are your thoughts about the story so far?

Edit: I just reread this Chapter and realized how freaking weird this is.

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