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A WHOLE CHAPPIE NIALL'S POV! Never done this before... as you all know I like to switch up the POV's a lot just cause it's funnnnnn!But here ya go! NIALL PARTY TIME YO!-Katee<3

Chapter 15 Part 1- Interrupted 

Niall's POV

I wake up in the morning feeling... good. Almost like I had won the lottery! But no i just had a beautiful boy named Louis sleeping on my chest. To me, I had won the lottery. That night that he was in his room, I was so so cold. So lonely. It was so strange to wake up without him by my side. I don't ever want to experience that longing again. Not for any longer, I can't do it any more. 

That's why I have to tell him. I have to tell him I'm in love with him.

Everyday is torcher for me, seeing him but not touching him, hugging him but never kissing him,(well except for that one...)  it's too much to handle.

I will tell him today, I just don't know how. Should I just say it? Or should I make it special? I know that I will know when the time is right. I will know.

I sit up in my bed, causing Louis to wake up as well.

" Good morning sunshine" I say brightly. I know how much Louis hates mornings so I always try to be overly cheerful so he doesn't kill me.

"Morning Ni!" He says surprisingly brightly as well. That's weird....

"I'm just gonna head down for breakfast... do you want me to bring you something?" I ask cautiously. Why is he so cheerful?

"Oh I'll go with you! C'mon!" Then he hops out of bed, sprints out the door and jumps down the stairs to head into the kitchen. Damn he's happy this morning.

As we walk into the kitchen I can already see this day is going to be bad. Zayn and Liam are sitting on the back porch, Harry is sulking and Louis is being weirdly happy. Everyone is having mood swings.

"G'moring lads." Harry mumbles while eating a piece of toast.

"Yeah goodmorning... What's with Liam and Zayn?" I ask Harry.

"Oh they didn't want to be near my bad mood so they went outside." He says.

I'll be right back." I say quickly. I need Liam to get the other lads out of the house so I can talk to Louis later. I need to tell him.

I walk out of the porch door to find Liam and Zayn dramatically sucking face.

"Ehem. Ah Liam, can we talk?" I say, breaking them apart.

"Zayn can you go wait inside for a second, I just need to talk to Ni." Liam says to Zayn. Zayn smiles and pecks him on the cheek, then he proceeds to go into the kitchen. When I am sure the door is shut behind him I hurry over to Liam and sit down next to him.

"I need you to get the lads out of the house tonight. Except for Lou... I'm gonna tell him. I'm really gonna tell him tonight!" I say enthusiastically. Liam then wraps his arms around me in a tight bear hug and mumbles how happy he is into my shoulder. He pulls away and looks me dead in the eye.

"Niall I will force them out at gunpoint if I have to." Liam says seriously.

"I love you man. Thank you so much." I say seriously back. I really do mean it though. He is the best friend anyone could every ask for. He smiles and offers me his hand to help me up. We walk back into the kitchen and Liam whispers something to Zayn who nods understandingly.  Good, Liam has a plan!

"Um Hey Haz? Will you go to this dinner in the city with me and Zayn tonight? It's for my friend and it's important...?" Liam says to Harry. Oh Jesus I hope he has a plan b. 

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