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Heey guise:)

BTW I lost my laptop after my last update so sorry for the long wait... i found it though! yay!

So I feel like I haven't updated in FOREVER so I'm gonna do a back to back to back tripple update! yaaaay! There will be PLENTY OF ZIAM a little nouis and a LOT OF DRAMA!! Love you so much:) fan comment vote whatevah i love you to piece cuties!-Katee<3

CHAPTER 12- Coming out

Liam's POV

"You ready babe?" I ask Zayn squeezing tighter to our intertwined hands. 

"Yeah. Let's do this." He says back as we walk into the living room, ready to come out to the boys.


I walked into the kitchen to find a giggling Niall grinning at me broadly. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to get my cereal. Ever since Niall found out about Zayn and I two nights ago, he has been unbearbly obvious to the other guys. Whenever I would even look at Zayn he wouuld start giggling like a madman and wink at me. I CAN'T STAND IT!

No, he hasn't out wardly told anyone, but it's still incredibly annoying. I'm shocked the other boys(Louis and Harry) hadn't figured it out when Niall made kissy faces at me and Zayn during dinner last night. Louis and Harry have been caught up in their own world lately though.... Ever since Harry arrived  a couple days ago all he does is stare at Louis, try to talk to Louis, help Louis out, and all Louis does is ignore him and talk to Niall. Now that I think of it.... Louis hasn't slept in his own bed in weeks. He practically lives in Nialls room and they spend everyday together. 

Harry is trying really hard, and Louis is trying really hard to avoid him.

I get my cereal and sit down to take in my breakfast companions. Niall sits stuffing himself with pancakes, smirking and wiggling his eyebrows at me, while Louis eat his cereal in silence, obviously trying to ignore Harry who is sitting next to him, staring. I roll my eyes at all of them but especially Niall. He is just to annoying. 

Just then the little devil speaks,"So, Liam, how was your sleep?Or should I say no sleep...How's Zayn by the way? "

I just glare at my cereal avoiding the question.

He giggles and goes back to eating. I. will. kill. him.

Zayn saunters in groggily and sends me a little wink. Niall is busy glaring daggers into Harrys back so, thankfuly, he doesn't notice. 

"Zayn? Can we go for a walk? I want to talk to you...." I say quietly.

"Talk? " He whispers the next part. "As in bad talk or good talk?" 

"Depends how you see it." I say back flatly glaring at Niall. 

He walks over to the porch door and motions for me to follow him. We walk a good hundred feet from the house and onto the beautiful beach when he grabs my hand. I intertwine our fingers and hum softly until we arrive at my new favorite place, the rocks where we confessed our love for eachother. I smile at the memory and sit down. Zayn follows in my suit and sits arcoss form expectantly.

I take a deep breath.

Here goes nothing.

"NIALL IS DRIVING ME MAD!" I shout at the top of my lungs. He chuckles and takes my hand.

"And...?" He says knowing there is more.

"And.... I shwanatelltheboys..." I mutter.

"What babe?" He asks sweetly.

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