The Bye Bye Man

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Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it

Don't fucking say it.

You find out. They want to know. But they can't. They find out? They die. You lose your mind. Nightmares, sleepless nights, coins drop, trains pass...

Tell anyone they die. Think it, say it, they die. You can't tell anyone. He puts thoughts in your head. Makes you think about your worst nightmare.

You say your sorry. You don't mean to hurt them. You don't want him getting to them first. He's already there though, with that thing of his.
You need him to stop. People are dying. You don't want them to. Don't think it. Don't say it. Once you know his name you can't escape, once you know who he is, he makes you do awful unlawful acts. So you stay quiet. Don't think it. Don't say it. No one knows if he's dead or alive, you don't know when he's coming. That's until you hear the coin drop. Then comes the train. Then he's here, then people die. He gets to everyone, you can't escape. He listens for his name, then he is on 412 and on his way to you.

Don't think it. Don't say it. If you say it, the disease spreads. He'll get to everyone. Everyone will die. Don't think it. Don't say it.

He makes you see things, do things. Who knows the number of innocent souls he has claimed. He does it. He makes people go crazy, makes people kill.
He grows. The more scared you are, the more real he becomes. We make him powerful with our fear. You think your ready, but you're not. You think you're safe? You're not. You can't escape him.

The only way out?
Get to them before him. Kill all who knows of his name. Kill them. It can't spread. You must beat him. But you must be careful.

Don't say it. Don't think it. Otherwise he will kill all of your loved ones.

The Bye Bye Man is never good at hellos ...

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