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"Why is it you?"

- Your point of view -

"Congratulations!" shouted the people in their formal attires and togas to each other. It was a festive moment. People were hugging, taking pictures, crying even. Who wouldn't? It's graduation, after all.

I graduated in the course of architecture after 5 years of hard work. It's still unbelievable how far I have achieved.

On my way out of the auditorium, I hugged my professors and friends goodbye. They have been a big part of my life and without their help, I wouldn't be able to come this far.

Today is also Taehyung's graduation day, he's my best friend. He's graduating from his arts school. I got into my car and drove to his university which was only around 10 minutes away.

After arriving, I removed my toga and I am now only wearing the white dress my parents had given me as a pre-graduation gift. I smoothened the small wrinkles on the dress with my hand and took a deep breath as I stepped out of my car. In a quick pace, I reached their auditorium and squeezed through the crowds as I see him and his parents walk up the stage.

As I was nearing the stage, I notice Taehyung's eyes searching for someone in the crowd and I was so sure that it was me that he's looking for. Not until his eyes stopped at someone particular, opposite my direction. His eyes landed on the girl he has been talking about, Minhye.

He smiled at her adoringly as if she was the one on top of the stage. She met his eyes and smiled at him as well.

His eyes searched again and this time, they landed on me. He smiles in excitement and gestured for me to join him and his family of stage.

After taking his diploma, he wrapped his right arm on my shoulder and his left arm on his mom's. I tried to wrap my left arm around his shoulder as well as we smiled to the camera.


Congratulations were heard everywhere again. After Taehyung was done saying goodbyes, we leaned on a fence in front of the university. We silently observed as people continues to take pictures, hug each other, and cry at each other.

"You're gonna miss this too, won't you?" I told him as I appreciated the big university.

Taehyung sighs, "I will and I won't at the same time. I've stressed too much but you know, from here on it will never be the same." I hear myself sigh out of nervousness. "You're right. You think we're gonna be ready from here on out?"

Taehyung looks at me with a smile, "When haven't we been ready?" I smile as I immediately know what he was taking. We are both risk-takers. So far, it's been going like a roller coaster. Up and down, up and down, yet we're here. What should we be nervous about this time?

Taehyung and I spotted Minhye only a few feet from us. I pushed him slightly with my shoulder as a silent encouragement for him to approach her.

With that, he greets Minhye with a slight bow and I did too as I walked beside Taehyung. Minhye greeted back with a slight bow as well with a big smile on her face making her as beautiful as ever. "Congratulations to us, Taehyung! Glad we can finally move on from this part of life,"

"Congratulations to you too, Minhye noona." Taehyung blushed. Her eyes landed to me and I quickly smiled out of politeness. "Oh! This is y/n, she's my best friend."

Now that Minhye has her attention on me, I didn't know she could be anymore prettier. She stood up proudly with a perfect posture. Her long wavy hair rested against her straight back and her make-up was natural yet it did not fail to highlight the beautiful features of her face. She was simply stunning.

"Y/n this is Minhye. Minhye, this is y/n." Taehyung introduced us to each other. We shook hands and couldn't help but notive that her hand was also as soft as a baby.

"It's nice finally meeting you, y/n! I've heard so many things about you from Taehyung! And oh my gosh, you're beautiful!" Minhye said in a delightful voice making me blush.

"Oh it's nice meeting you too, Minhye unnie! But you certainly are much more beautiful than me!" I say as we let go of our handshake.

She looked at her wrist watch and gasped, "I have to go. My family and I will be celebrating in a few minutes. Hope to see you two around, bye!!" She waved her hand at us and we waved back as a goodbye.

I looked at Taehyung and caught him staring at her as she walk away. "Sheesh you guys already graduated and you still haven't confessed?" I shook my head at him and walked away to a different direction. "No, I haven't." He ran to catch up with me.

We reached my car and went in. "What's the deal anyway? You two seems to be close already." I asked as we buckle our seatbelts.

"My charms of course," He said with a wink in which I responded with a fake vomiting expression, "Ew!" Taehyung laughed and said, "Anyway, let's head to my parents' restaurant. They said all of us would be celebrating there. And your family already arrived there so no need to call them."

I gasped in shock, "They're here?!"

"You didn't kno- oh... right that was supposed to be a surprise." Taehyung face palmed. "But promise me you'll pretend to be shocked."

I rolled my eyes and started the engine, "This is why surprise parties with you involving in it never work." I joked.

He rolled his eyes at me and smiled out the window.

Thump thump.

Oh no, there it is again. Why did I have to fall in love with you? Out of all people, why you?


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