Sleepy Keefey

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About an twenty minutes later, Dex's hand slowly made it's way out of the door and grabbed the human clothes that he'd set on the floor. He wasn't in the mood for anyone, let alone Keefe Sencen, to see him in only a towel. The day had been weird enough.

Once he was changed, he stepped out of the bathroom, setting the towel he'd been using on his hair down on the counter. He turned his head to the main portion of the room, spotting a sleeping Keefe sideways on the bed.

Dex messed with the baby pink sweatshirt tie that he'd pulled out of his black sweatshirt as he thought about what to do with the sleeping empath. Their kidnapper had... an odd sense of fashion. Either that, or it was simply human fashion, which was entirely possible.

Dex's outfit consisted of a plain white short-sleeved shirt under a black sweatshirt that had baby pink roses on the sides of the chest, and symbols that Dex couldn't read on the sleeves.  They must have been in a different language.  He had a tight pair of jeans on along with a simple pair of white socks and black running shoes.

Keefe's outfit, on the other hand, was a little bit more outgoing. His black jeans had rips that went from his thighs to his ankles, and his sweatshirt was an artsy yellow color until it got to a rip in the sleeves on the shoulder, which showed his white undershirt.  After that the sleeves turned grey.  His socks and shoes however, were the same as Dex's.

The younger boy walked over to the older one, eyeing him.  Firstly, Dex carefully pulled off his shoes and set them on the ground.  Next came the wondering about just how he was supposed to move Keefe's sleeping body so that it was horizontal. Eventually, Dex came down to two options: he could either wake him up, or pick Keefe up and move him that way.

Dex decided to go for the latter. Keefe looked too peaceful and adorable.  It was like he'd finally let his guard down, and it made him look like a little kid.

Thankfully, he had training from the triplets falling asleep in the weirdest places when they were little. Sure, they slept like hibernating bears most of the time, but they weren't always like that. In fact, Dex used to be the only one who could move them without them waking up.

So, with incredible slowness and patience, he rolled Keefe over. Once that part was done, Dex opened the bed cover in preparation before gently slipping one hand under Keefe's back, and one under his knees.  Holding his breath as Keefe shifted so that his face was snuggled into the crook of Dex's arm and his chest, with a bit of strength Dex managed to get him moved to where he needed to be.

Once Keefe was down, he stirred, but quickly went back to lightly snoring again.

Dex let out a quiet sigh of relief as he pulled off his sweatshirt and set it on the stand next to him. Then, he crawled into the opposite side of the bed.


Keefe woke up with a headache. A headache, and his arms suspiciously wrapped around something that was definitely not Mrs. Stinkbottom. Firstly, whatever he was snuggling was much thinner than the stuffed gulon.  Secondly, whatever it was, was also way less cuddly and soft.

He cracked his eyes open to find his arms wrapped around Dex's forearm, and his cheek on the boys open palm.

"Morning." Dex said, completely unfazed.

Keefe groaned in response, feeling too confused to give an audible response.

"Tired?" Dex asked.

"What time is it?"

The technopath looked outside at the windows with open curtains. "About 10:40 a.m."

"What?" Keefe asked, releasing Dex's arm and forcing himself to sit up. "Dude, why are you just sitting there? We need to get a move on!"

Dex rolled his eyes. "Because you were sleeping and we don't have to check out of here until twelve."

Keefe crashed back down onto the pillows with an "ugh."

Putting the book he'd been reading down, Dex turned over on his side to face Keefe. "Do you want to leave now, or do you need an extra two hours of sleep?"

"What about you, Dizznee? When did you wake up?"

"About nine."

"You let me cradle your arm like it was Mrs. Stinkbottom for almost two hours?"

Dex shrugged, a light blush on his cheeks. "You looked peaceful."

Keefe snorted.  What Dex said and why he'd blushed with it left Keefe a little bit confused, but it's not like Sophie, who was in a relationship with Fitz, didn't do the same thing from occasion to occasion.  Plus, Dex was a bit of a blusher.  "Oh please.  I've been told by Foster that I have a tenancy to drool.  That doesn't sound very peaceful."

"Drooling in your sleep is either a sign of exhaustion or peacefulness."

"Or the inability to keep your mouth closed."

"Yeah, okay, whatever. Do you want to leave now or not?"

"Well, we might as well get a move on with this fun little vacation of ours."  Keefe mumbled, pushing himself off the bed.

Dex did the same and picked up his sweatshirt which had fallen on the floor at some point in the night, before putting it back on. "Let's go then. Breakfast is calling me and I don't intend on making it wait.  Also, the next time we have a shower at our disposal, you're taking one."

"You're just envious of my natural, awesome scent."

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